Steven Lee <> writes:

> svn up --set-depth empty foodir
> cleared out 'foodir', but
> svn up --set-depth infinity foodir
> did not bring any files back.

You will have to look at the SQLite database to provide more
information.  Something like this may show what is going on:

  sqlite .svn/wc.db "select local_relpath, presence, revision, depth from nodes 
where local_relpath like 'foodir%'"

after the '--set-depth empty' there should be only one line for foodir,
then after the '--set-depth infinity' there should be additional lines
for the children in foodir.

>  'svn checkout' did not work either.

What does that mean?

> -Steven
> On 8/20/2012 4:21 AM, Philip Martin wrote:
>> Steven Lee <> writes:
>>> On Aug 19, 2012 11:45 PM, "Steven Lee" <> wrote:
>>>> Yes, I tried "svn update --set-depth infinity" and nothing happened.
>>> Many of the files are still missing from my working copy.  It does seem
>>> like that should have worked.
>>> Just to be clear, I tried "svn update --set-depth infinity" in the foodir
>>> directory and "svn update --set-depth infinity foodir" in foodir's parent
>>> directory.
>> The problem is that in 1.7 the operation you interrupted is not properly
>> atomic so foodir is probably still marked as depth infinity despite
>> haoving missing children.
>>    sqlite .svn/wc.db "select local_relpath, depth from nodes where 
>> local_relpath like 'foodir%'"
>> So you probably have to do:
>>    svn up --set-depth empty foodir
>> before
>>    svn up --set-depth infinity foodir
>> will work.


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