> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Rodgers [mailto:christopher.rodg...@cardiov.ox.ac.uk] 
> Sent: 22 October 2013 11:15
> Dear All,
> I have just upgraded from Apache HTTPD 2.2 --> 2.4. My svn repository 
> seems to work fine over https but I get these repeated warnings:
> > [:warn] [pid 15721] mod_dav_svn: nested Location 
> '/repos/thereponame' 
> > hinders access to '' in SVNPath Location '/repos/thereponame'
> My httpd.conf file contains this:
> > <IfModule mod_dav_svn.c>
> >
> > ##
> > ## project related HTML files
> > ##
> > <IfModule mod_alias.c>
> > Alias /repos    /srv/svn/html
> > </IfModule>
> > <Directory /srv/svn/html>
> >         Options         +Indexes +Multiviews -FollowSymLinks
> >         IndexOptions    FancyIndexing \
> >                         ScanHTMLTitles \
> >                         NameWidth=* \
> >                         DescriptionWidth=* \
> >                         SuppressLastModified \
> >                         SuppressSize
> >
> >         order allow,deny
> >         allow from all
> > </Directory>
> >
> > <Location /repos/thereponame>
> >    DAV svn
> >    SVNPath /srv/svn/repos/thereponame
> >    SVNIndexXSLT "/repos-web/view/repos-thereponame.xsl"
> >
> >    # Include per-directory access control policy
> >    AuthzSVNAccessFile /srv/svn/user_access/thereponame_authz
> >
> >    # Limit write permission to list of valid users.
> >       # Require SSL connection for password protection.
> >       SSLRequireSSL
> >
> >       AuthType Basic
> >       AuthName "Authorization Realm"
> >       AuthUserFile /srv/svn/user_access/thereponame_passwd
> >       Require valid-user
> > #   </LimitExcept>
> > </Location>
> >
> >
> > </IfModule>
> What have I done wrong?

What are you trying to achieve with your `/repos` alias?  Are you trying to 
server mulitple repos from that root but apply special handling to a specific 
path?  The location directive serves one specific repo without the need for the 
alias, I would guess you could just remove that (but I might be wrong!)

~ mark c

> Thanks,
> Chris.

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