It's definitely some very cool technology, as much as I hate to admit it....

I downloaded and took apart as much as I could when it came out, very clever
stuff! They've basically created a sort of browser equivalent to java. Not
literally, and not on their own of course. Rhino has been around for a
fairly long time now, but what they did with it is just crazy. The deployed
JS that comes with your "compiled" application is the exact amount needed to
run it, no more and no less.

Comparing my background history I'd have to say that I probably have more
facless/native gui experience than web as well. The API's are of course
familiar. A lot of rhino api stuff made it into the public facing
portions(which is equivalent to saying the browser API.,.heh), along with
normal GUI-ish type things you'd expect.

So, I feel happy in knowing that the direction tap5 is going in is exactly
where it should be, but sad at the same time because I almost don't know
what to do now. Why try and re-invent the wheel? hmmmm

On 5/19/06, Geoff Longman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Very sweet. If this had existed a few years ago the number of web
frameworks in java would be much less than it is today.

I finally got it running yesterday (my fault - no free time) and
lickety split I had converted some simple Tapestry stuff we have a
work here. Nothing complete mind you but for myself, an old Java GUI
programmer, the learning curve is infinitesmal compared

Even the demos are easily modified without too much trouble. Being
able to debug it like a normal Java GUI program is simply amazing.

Way back when I found the learning curve of Tapestry hard for reasons
that are probably different from those most find today. I was coming
out of Swing land and had only a few months experiences (ok a year)
with servlet/jsp programming (no struts). Sliding back into the GUI
model programming is nothing to me.

It will be interesting to hear how developers with only web experience
find the GWT learning curve.

But, all new things are cooler than the old things and it remains to
be seen if one will hit the wall once one reaches the limits of GWT.
But so far..WOW!

As for integrating GWT widgets into Tapestry..I can't give an opinion.
I'm not up enough on the hard work Jesse et all have been doing with T


PS. [OT]it's very interesting that the devtime tool is an Eclipse RCP
app using SWT.

On 5/17/06, Peter Svensson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, this is so sweet. Who will be the first to make this work with
> Tapestry/Tacos??
> Cheers,
> PS

The Spindle guy.
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Jesse Kuhnert
Tacos/Tapestry, team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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