
I'm relatively new to Tap, and I am starting with Tap 4 and Eclipse.
I've been using the directory structures as seen in Kent Tong's book.
I also noticed the Tapestry examples (vlib and workbench) have html
files that live in the root of the application, instead of in web-inf.
Is this a standard thing to do?

I've read that things inside web-inf can't be accessed directly by a
web browser, so that seems like the correct place for the .page/.jwc's
to go.

Like I said, I have something that _works_, I am just curious to see
if there are benefits to other methods, or drawbacks to mine (i'm sure
my approach is naive):

workspace\projectname\build\classes (output dir for compiled classes)
workspace\projectname\deploy (holds my war file when I export from eclipse)
workspace\projectname\src\mypackage\ (no .java at this level)
workspace\projectname\src\mypackage\model\ (classes that know nothing
about tapestry)
workspace\projectname\src\mypackage\controller\ (classes for pages and

workspace\projectname\src\META-INF\ (holds hivemind.xml and sessions.xml)

workspace\projectname\WebContent\css (css files)
workspace\projectname\images (jpgs)
workspace\projectname\META-INF (I think eclipse made this dir and
manifest.mf for me)

workspace\projectname\WEB-INF (all my .html, .page and .jwc files live
directly in WEB-INF, as well as projectname.application and web.xml)
workspace\projectname\lib (hold jars for jscookmenu, BIRT, etc)

workspace\projectname\reporting\BIRT (holds birt engine, jars, resources, etc)

When I export my project to a WAR, things in
get put in

Please let me know what you think. I'm sure you guys have better
organized project structures.  For instance, do your Tapestry projects
look like this?


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