I didn't implicate you as stupid. You wouldn't be using Tapestry if you were stupid. I was commenting on you summarily dismissing the concerns of quite a few Tapestry users about the lack of version compatiblity and your implying that this was the industry norm.

Look, Howard has carte blanche on what he wants to do or not do with Tapestry. He states that T5 is laying the foundation for future compatiblity. So be it. All I can say is that in a few years when there is the "next new thing" out there and T5 cannot support it, he may yet again abandon backwards compatiblity. If he does, again, he has carte blanche. But, you cannot claim that the lack of backward compatiblity is a non-issue. That is a slap in the face of corporations and consultants like me who pushed to get T3/T4 adopted and now look not so good because the corporation is faced with finding developers who can code to an outdated framework and where the upgrade path is steep. But that is open source and life. Just don't call it "normal business practice in the marketplace."

I didn't and never meant to insult anyone personally. No ad hominim attacks ..

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christian Gruber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tapestry users" <users@tapestry.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: Tapestry 5 Roadmap

Ok, whatever. I give in. I'll go and use T4 and whine at Howard now. Oh wait, no I won't. I'll work on T5 and try to encourage it into as re-usable, and less brittle and change-vulnerable a form as I can, so that there is more likelihood of upgradability. (Howard's doing quite well about that already)

Honestly, I wouldn't be so hostile at the moment if Kranga hadn't dropped the implication that I was stupid for merely observing something about version numbers. Just follow the links. I'm not saying anyone's wrong for saying that they want compatibility. I'm just saying (and it was all I was saying) that often (and provably often - see the links) major version numbers indicate incompatibility. That's not my opinion - that's an observation. I wasn't saying it was right, or better. I'm saying it's fair of the author to do what other software has clearly done before him, and Howard had the decency to make a major version bump to indicate that it's a new platform. I suppose he could have called it TapestryNG or something.

Anyway, I'm out of this conversation. When people are comparing opinion with observed (and referenced) facts and giving me grief for it, they should try editing Wikipedia more. There at least that kind of thing isn't tolerated.


On 23-Oct-07, at 9:15 AM, Peter Stavrinides wrote:

Christian, kranga is right. You can't keep telling yourself it is okay to change the framework to the point that an entire rewrite is needed to existing code. Some upgrading is expected (and necessary), but Tapestry will die a quick death, no matter how good it is under the hood, if you slap devotees in the face again and again.

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