You mean updateProc() calls the actionlink via AJAX? Apart from
usability, the problem of not using a form or any other 'natural' way
for the user to submit the data is that you leave no chance for T5 to
build the link for you. This means you'd have to construct it manually.
If it were a request that could respond to a restful style url with an
activation context, then it wouldn't be so bad. Otherwise you aren't
guaranteed that the structure of URLs won't change (one of T5's weak
points, imo). Therefore I'd suggest that you consider using a hidden
form whose (hidden) elements are updated by JS, and then ultimately
submitted by JS. Does that sound too hacked?


Angelo Chen wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> would like to try this out, but how to pass parameters ? here is my code,
> updateProc is action link
> jQuery(".drop").droppable({
>           accept: ".block",
>           activeClass: 'droppable-active',
>           hoverClass: 'droppable-hover',
>           drop: function(ev, ui) {
>             var sourceSeq = jQuery(ui.element).attr("seq");
>             var destSeq = jQuery(this).children().attr("seq");
>             $("#dummy").load(updateProc(), {source: sourceSeq, dest:
> destSeq},function() {
>                 refreshPage();
>             });
>         }
>     });
> joshcanfield wrote:
>> Hi Angelo,
>> If you aren't using a form, then it sounds like you have an actionlink
>> that you invoke from the drop handler using AJAX? Why not just point
>> window.location at the actionlink url instead and only do the request
>> to the server once?
>> Josh

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