Have to jump in here; sorry Tomasz, wrong on all counts :-)  But
thanks for trying to help out.

Filip is right, for services you don't use @Inject on fields; you gain
access to dependencies via your constructor.  Tapestry doesn't
manipulate your service classes the way it does components, and
@Inject on fields is based on lots of bytecode manipulation.

Also, it doesn't matter at all whether a service is defined in a
module via the bind() method, via a static builder method, or via an
instance builder method.

In fact, if I was doing the code again, module classes would not have
instance methods, only static methods.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 4:39 AM, Tomasz Dziurko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As fas as I know T5 method build() in AppModule is static, so you need
>  make RequestGlobals static variable:
>  @Inject
>  private static RequestGlobals requestGlobals;
>  to pass it to constructor of mentioned service. When you try to get
>  something (eg HTTPServletRequesst ) from it after calling service you
>  will get NullPointerException, so I think it's not the right way.
>  Regards
>  --
>  Tomasz Dziurko
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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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