Em Wed, 03 Sep 2008 18:44:06 -0300, Howard Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

So far, my experience has been to say "We're using Hibernate.  It
looks like this.  Just play along for now." and that seems to work.

I'm not teaching Hibernate, just explaining enough to satisfy the
demands of the lab.  And I think there's great value in the fact that
the applications are "real".  In the past, I wasted a lot of energy
with "fake" in-memory databases.  It's nice to know that data sticks
from execution to execution, and that any related problems with
integrating the database are present from day 1.  I think this builds
confidence in the students that the work their doing is useful.

In this cases, my approach is giving them a working persistence layer already implemented in Hibernate and HSQLDB. So, they have a functional database without worrying about that, just about Tapestry or Spring or whatever is being taught.


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