The discussion here (knowingly or otherwise) mirrors something that comes up a lot when people are debating the pedagogical approaches in academia. A framework like Tapestry, which comes into its own on larger projects, is not served well by using toy examples to illustrate framework features. If the toy example is not something that anyone would ever do in the real world, it's essentially not a very good example.

Many introductory approaches to software development feature examples with two or three classes and no persistence. In other words, an over- engineered solution that essentially achieves next-to-nothing, and is consequently unsatisfying to implement. A far better approach (along the lines of what Howard and Thiago have suggested) involves giving the students a working system to begin with, large parts of which are intended to be black boxes to them, and will remain black boxes even at the end of the course. Students deal very well with this.

A variation on this approach (which might work well here), is that some parts of the system could be black boxes at the outset but the intent is to peer inside them at some later stage. So, for example, you could provide some custom components at the outset that would make the first cut implementation more satisying to the student. (Using custom components is identical to using built-in components from their perspective.) You could subsequently examine how some of the custom components are implemented and then move on to creating custom components from scratch.

It is worth pointing out that the structure of such an approach is fundamentally different to the structure of a more traditional approach. The "chapters" would essentially be phases in a development project and the topics would be covered as a side-effect of being taken through each phase. Trying to label each "chapter" in terms of what topics are covered may not be entirely possible. So Timothy's suggestion of going ahead with "compiling and organizing information, and then later on creating the narrative structure" wouldn't really work here. Neither would such a book serve Patrick's objective of something you could easily peruse bits of. So it's swings and roundabouts so some extent. You do lose some things. But, in my humble opinion, you gain a vastly superior pedagogical approach. Added to that, you get a non-trivial demo application thrown in for free. (Whereas you can typically achieve much less in your standard last-chapter-of-book "case study", due to space constraints.)



P.S. Incidentally, these ideas have been around a long time. Some authors refer to is as an "inverted curriculum" in that you start with a working system rather than end up with one and that you interact with relatively complex objects first rather than start by building the nuts and bolts.
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