I would say that step 1 would be to collaborative design and implement
the sample application.  From that, the outline and division of tasks
should be more attainable.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:04 AM, Don Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4 Sep 2008, at 17:05, Timothy Sweetser wrote:
>> When people only have an hour a day, and may only write a paragraph or
>> two, I think that works against us. You decrease the contribution pool and
>> increase the amount of effort required to get somewhere.
> That's a fair point. The sort of thing I was talking about may require more
> central steering than is possible with piecemeal contributions from a large
> group.
> That said, a mechanism already exists to collect isolated contributions on a
> variety of topics from a wide range of people, namely the existing wiki. And
> good luck to anyone trying to wrap a narrative structure around the
> disparate collection of HOWTO-like snippets in your typical open-source
> project wiki. The only kind of book that could result from such an exercise
> would be one of those "cookbook"-style books, the ones that catalog a large
> number of free-standing techniques. Perhaps pragmatism should dictate that
> that is what is aimed for here.
> Regards,
> Don.
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