Yep, just read through your discussion:

and that would be the intelligent way of doing it :)

I'll code symbol provider when I have time. Hopefully these providers can be
included in T5 distribution, as these are highly reusable and add only
little to none "weight" to the distribution.

 - 99

Ulrich Stärk wrote:
> Why not instantiate a ServletContextSymbolProvider (the ServletContext is
> available from the 
> ApplicationGlobals service) and contribute it to the SymbolProvider before
> ApplicationDefaults and 
> FactoryDefaults. That way you can directly override
> and automatically 
> have all other init parameters as symbols, too.
> Uli
> 9902468 schrieb:
>> I always keep nabble open when I'm at work :)
>> These parameters can be transferred to web.xml, so that recompile is not
>> needed when changing these parameters:
>> public static void
>> contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String,
>> String> configuration, ApplicationGlobals globals) {
>>     configuration.add("",
>> globals.getServletContext().getInitParameter("page_hard_limit"));
>> }
>> and in web.xml
>> <web-app>
>>     <display-name>Some Tapestry 5 Application</display-name>
>>     <context-param>
>>         <!-- The only significant configuration for Tapestry 5, this
>> informs
>> Tapestry of where to look for pages, components and mixins. -->
>>         <param-name></param-name>
>>         <param-value>fi.hanken.resbuilder.tapestry5</param-value>
>>     </context-param>
>>     <context-param>
>>         <param-name>page_hard_limit</param-name>
>>         <param-value>60</param-value>
>>     </context-param>
>> This can be used through out every single service and page and component.
>> To
>> access this in a page or component use:
>> @Property @Inject @Value("${page_hard_limit}")
>> private String pageHardLimit;
>> Injection can be used in service constructor also (I think) or by using
>> buildSomeService method instead of the usual binder.bind
>> Of course T5 makes it easy to read these from a file or database or from
>> what not, but I have noticed that many admins accept editing web.xml and
>> restarting the app ok.
>> Hopefully this helps. (And makes it easier to say to admins that just
>> configure the app according to the load they are experiencing.)
>> -99
>> nille hammer wrote:
>>> Man that was a quick answer! Thanks for that. I am aware of this options
>>> in the configuration. I had not tuned them before, because load is not
>>> my problem. Anyway I have tuned them now and am currently waiting for
>>> the admistrator to deploy the newest war.
>>> According to acces-logs I was the only user accessing the page. So as
>>> far as I understand the mechanism only one instance of index should have
>>> been created and not 20. I think it is an issue with configuration in
>>> production environment. But I have no idea where to take a closer look
>>> (i.e. where to build in log-messages, which of Tomcat's configuration
>>> options to check etc.).
>>> So suggestions are still more than welcome.
>>> Nillehammer
>>> 9902468 schrieb:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Eventually we had to add these to appmodule:
>>>>         configuration.add("", "60");
>>>>         configuration.add("", "20");
>>>>         configuration.add("", "20 ms");
>>>> as instructed here:
>>>> This solved our problems, and you can go up as long as your server has
>>>> memory. Our problems were only in production, as development stress
>>>> just
>>>> isn't enough. (This is why one really should do load testing with
>>>> jmeter
>>>> or
>>>> similar tool.)
>>>> The defaults could be a bit more? Or considerably less, so that the
>>>> developer would hit these walls during development and understands to
>>>> load
>>>> test / tune the parameters.
>>>>  - 99
>>>> nille hammer wrote:
>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>> I am also facing the problem that 9902468 had. I have -according to
>>>>> Howard's suggestion- replaced every pageLink with a customPageLink to
>>>>> prevent targeted pages from being created unecessarily. The problem
>>>>> persists. Trying to load the index-Page of my application with a
>>>>> browser
>>>>> I have to wait about two minutes before I get an empty page. In the
>>>>> app's log the following Exception appears:
>>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: The page pool for page 'Index' (in locale
>>>>> de) has been exausted: there are 20 instances currently being used and
>>>>> no more can be created. Try increasing the hard limit (symbol
>>>>> to allow additional instances to be
>>>>> created, or increasing the soft wait (symbol
>>>>> to trade away some throughput for more
>>>>> efficient use of page instances.
>>>>>         at
>>>>>         at
>>>>>         at $PagePool_11c76f8cf9a.checkout($
>>>>>         at
>>>>>         at
>>>>> $RequestPageCache_11c76f8cf99.get($
>>>>>         at
>>>>> $RequestPageCache_11c76f8cf91.get($
>>>>> ...
>>>>> In development and in production environment I use Java 6 and Tomcat
>>>>> 6.
>>>>> Tapestry is 5.0.14. The strange thing is that I am only seeing this in
>>>>> production environment.
>>>>> Has anyone a suggestion how to track this down? I am pretty stuck with
>>>>> this.
>>>>> Thanks in advance, nillehammer
>>>>> Howard Lewis Ship wrote
>>>>>> Tapestry is obtaining page instances to see if there is an activation
>>>>>> context for the page.
>>>>>> I expect to optimize this in the future, to check to see if the page
>>>>>> has an event handler for the passivate event.
>>>>>> In the meantime, you could build your own PageLink component that
>>>>>> generates the link by invoking
>>>>>> ComponentResources.createPageLink("pagename", true) ... that will
>>>>>> tell
>>>>>> Tapestry to generate a link to the page with no activation context,
>>>>>> and the page will NOT be queried for its context, and therefore,
>>>>>> won't
>>>>>> need to be attached to the current request.
>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 3:58 AM, 9902468 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> we are experiencing strange hard pool limit reached exceptions. (For
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> user count that we have.) After debugging a little, it seems that
>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>> left
>>>>>>> menu component, which is full of page links, instantiates not only
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> page
>>>>>>> that we are at, but also the ones that are referenced in page link.
>>>>>>> This can be seen also in that exception page is shown, if one of the
>>>>>>> pages
>>>>>>> that are referenced in page links have an error.
>>>>>>> Is this correct behavior? And should we really use common a href=
>>>>>>> tags
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> avoid this? Further more, is it possible to create infinite loop,
>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>> page
>>>>>>> a has page link to page b, which has page link to page a?
>>>>>>>  - 99
>>>>>>> --
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