I've been working with tapestry 5 in eclipse for several months by now.
And i have built a "complex" hierarchy of projects to fullfil my needs :
2 tapestry 5 applications both using several tapestry 5 libraries. In
maven, my 2 applications depends of some of the libraries which in turn
depends on other libraries ... And to be able to declare in one maven
place a lot of common informations, all of my tapestry projects are
of a parent pom project.
A few days ago, i decided to deploy a jar of my project on a server for
testing purposes. So i run the maven command "mvn install" from my maven
parent project in order to rebuild all the tapestry 5 libraries and
applications and to get the war packaged.
But since this operation, everything goes wrong :
1. If i run my tap5 application from maven with "mvn jetty:run", the
application runs normally but i loose the tapestry reload possibilities.
2. If i run my tap5 application inside eclipse using the jetty launcher
i've been using for several months, the application don't find my
libraries anymore.

Any clue ?
Is my maven hierarchy eronous ?
What have the maven install command broken ?

Thanks for any help ... I've been looking for a solution for several
days in google, tap mailing list, docs and wiki ...

Wouldn't it be a precious information if a page would be dedicated to
maven in the tapestry documentation ? I think that i'm not the only
tapestry user without maven high skills ...


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