I have a love-hate relationship with Maven and Eclipse plugins.

First off, I hope you've done a "mvn clean" at some point.

Second, if you upgraded from the old, rather limited m2eclipse plugin to the
latest and greatest, it will break the old JettyLauncher plugin.  Been
there, broke that.  

The new Maven plugin for Eclipse is much smarter about setting the classpath
so that execution from the command line and within Eclipse behave the same
way.  Unfortunately, that means that the classes within the JettyLauncher
plugin vanish from the classpath.

Other than that, remember, it's not what you DON'T KNOW that really gets you
into trouble, it's what you KNOW that ISN"T TRUE.

Good luck.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephane Decleire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 17:26
> To: Tapestry users
> Subject: [T5] Tapestry + Maven make me crazy !!!
> I've been working with tapestry 5 in eclipse for several months by now.
> And i have built a "complex" hierarchy of projects to fullfil my needs :
> 2 tapestry 5 applications both using several tapestry 5 libraries. In
> maven, my 2 applications depends of some of the libraries which in turn
> depends on other libraries ... And to be able to declare in one maven
> place a lot of common informations, all of my tapestry projects are
> children
> of a parent pom project.
> A few days ago, i decided to deploy a jar of my project on a server for
> testing purposes. So i run the maven command "mvn install" from my maven
> parent project in order to rebuild all the tapestry 5 libraries and
> applications and to get the war packaged.
> But since this operation, everything goes wrong :
> 1. If i run my tap5 application from maven with "mvn jetty:run", the
> application runs normally but i loose the tapestry reload possibilities.
> 2. If i run my tap5 application inside eclipse using the jetty launcher
> i've been using for several months, the application don't find my
> libraries anymore.
> Any clue ?
> Is my maven hierarchy eronous ?
> What have the maven install command broken ?
> Thanks for any help ... I've been looking for a solution for several
> days in google, tap mailing list, docs and wiki ...
> Wouldn't it be a precious information if a page would be dedicated to
> maven in the tapestry documentation ? I think that i'm not the only
> tapestry user without maven high skills ...
> Stephane

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