cool. all valid points. :) :) :)

Alex Kotchnev wrote:
   you're so right, I will probably have to wait a few weeks or
months. I mentioned something, as there have been a couple of
discussions on the subject on the list, and on top of that Howard
asked what the showstoppers were to releasing 5.1 . I think that this
is a good way to rephrase the question "are there any showstoppers in
5.1" as "what are the things stopping you from moving your 5.0 app to
5.1". In other words, 5.1 has quite a bit of nice improvements, but if
there are things holding people back on 5.0.18, then it must be
something significant.

   On the sentiment that GAE is not all that important  to complain
and put pressure (btw, I wasn't complaining or applying pressure, just
trying to start a good discussion that would be beneficial to 5.1). It
seems to me that GAE is a bit like the iPhone : it's nothing all that
new (e.g. if you wanted Java hosting you could have gotten it before
GAE, just like if you wanted a smartphone you could have gotten one
long before the iPhone). However, to a large extent it has become the
measuring stick for frameworks because of Google's visibility : if
your framework runs on GAE, it's ahead of the game, if it doesn't,
it's behind.

   On the subject of scalability and GAE : most of the apps that I
have in mind are small and probably wouldn't warrant buying hosting
for, and thus are ideal candidates for GAE . On a separate note, I see
GAE as a huge opportunity for providing services for small businesses
: e.g. getting them on Google Apps is an easy sell, then the upsell
from Google Apps to custom GAE apps is a piece of cake. Thus, the
frameworks that DO run on GAE will have an advantage in spurring
further adoption in that arena.


Alex Kotchnev

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Fernando Padilla <> wrote:
Don't forget right now GAE/Java is really really beta.  You are only allowed
to have 30 cuncurrent threads?  Unless your app is only serving a small
number of users, I can't vote to use GAE/Java for actual production apps,
not yet..

And like someone just said, this just came out a week ago.  GAE/Java is not
a priority feature in this landscape, not yet..

Maybe after a month, if Tapestry is still not working in GAE/Java, then
start ratcheting up the pressure and complaints.. sorry.

So I guess if it's really really important for you, you won't be able to
upgrade to 5.1 for a few more weeks.. sorry.

Alex Kotchnev wrote:
I'm not sure about everyone else, but for me this is a BIG issue and
is one of the reasons holding me back from moving my app to the 5.1
beta. Most likely I'll hold off on upgrading to 5.1 final if it
doesn't support GAE.

Howard was asking earlier about any showstoppers preventing 5.1 from
moving forward - this is one for me. Maybe this would be a good
feature for 5.2, who knows. Is anyone else holding off on taking up
5.1 for this reason ? Other reasons ?


Alex Kotchnev

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Christian Köberl
<> wrote:
I grepped over the tapestry-core sources for "" and only
found them imported in TemplateParser and StaxTemplateParser.
Would it then be sufficient to just contribute another TemplateParser
isn't using Woodstox (maybe the one from

I just tried to eliminate Woodstox and to use "pure" Stax API for
template parsing. This wasn't that difficult (see

With plain Stax I still get the same error in TemplateParser. Maybe I
will try to switch back to the 5.0.18 one when I have time.

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