Howard Lewis Ship schrieb:
I'm all in favor of any effort to improve the documentation.  I think it's
really unfortunate that the current tutorial does not even get the Maven
part quite right.

Good to hear
One thought ... the (or tapestry5.1/,
tapestry5.2/, etc.) part of the site is synced to the release schedule; it
only gets updated when there's a new release (alpha, beta or final).

I think the tutorial, as a living document, should move up a level ... be
part of tapestry-site, not tapestry-project.  tapestry-site (i.e., the is still built using Maven and stored in
Subversion, but can be updated at any time.

We might consider to move the documentation out of the way in general. At least the tutorial. I had some ideas already on this topic and will move the discussion on this to a new thread.

So, we can do it.

I did not get any feedback on the content ideas so far. I already thought of binding expression, which should be included.

We have to keep in mind that the tutorial doesn't have to show all features. It should satisfy the user in a way that he has finished a common use case (list, create, update, delete), he should learn the general concept of Tapestry and he should get a first impression that he can write large enterprise application very efficiently with a minimum of duplicated. The latter target is why I would like show component writing.

It would be great, if you think about carefully, what we need to show in addition to my ideas. I will continue writing next week, so there is time to reflect on this

Furthermore, do you agree that we only translate the tutorial into languages where at least 2 persons are ready to keep the translation up to date. I propose this backup for two reason. Firstly, I experienced this for my own tutorial where I had people willing to translate tutorials and this stopped after a couple of months. Because, it is really work and interests or available time can easily change. The other reason is that every translation, my English writing needs reviews to iron out the worst mistakes. This is our welcome documentation for the first user. It needs to be as smooth as possible. I need proof reading for my German texts as well.

Best Regards / Viele Grüße

Sebastian Hennebrueder
Software Developer and Trainer for Hibernate / Java Persistence

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