OMG!! - That did the trick!!!!!!

The magic is in persistence.xml

<property name="eclipselink.weaving" value="false"/>

Thank you Geoff you champion!!!!

I wonder what it will do to  "performance, caching and change tracking"  
because according to that page, that's what weaving is for.

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND            
 7484 root      20   0  827m 372m  13m S 93.3 18.4  38:09.77 java               
 2258 mysql     15   0  140m  30m 5000 S 34.9  1.5  13:07.30 mysqld             
 8168 root      15   0 10436 6304 2336 S  0.3  0.3   0:09.03 ssh                
 8497 chrismyl  15   0  2416 1084  820 R  0.3  0.1   0:01.69 top                
    1 root      15   0  2160  680  584 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.60 init     

Load average is at 0.7, but I'm monitoring systems during off-peak time.
I'll definitely have to check JBoss out against Glassfish for this type of work 
I think.

Anyway - I'm off to play with some Grid components :D


On 22/09/2011, at 7:45 PM, Geoff Callender wrote:

> According to the following thread _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup was 
> removed in Sep 2009, and a workaround for now might be to partially disable 
> "weaving".
> On 22/09/2011, at 3:54 PM, Chris Mylonas wrote:
>> Hi Lenny & Tapestry Users,
>> Yep I tried exclude in the template.  No such luck.  The thing errors out in 
>> setupRender - I might do the fetching of the List<CalledEvent> in onActivate 
>> (even though it's in the wrong place to put such stuff).
>> I tried a few things, like the other suggestion to use @Inject 
>> BeanModelSource and also what is on the jumpstart page using
>> myModel = beanModelSource.createDisplayModel(CalledEvent.class, 
>> componentResources.getMessages()).exclude("_persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup");
>> But it still didn't work.   Not exactly sure where the problem is, in 
>> EclipseLink or somewhere in Tapestry's use of BeanModel -  I'll just use a 
>> Loop for now whilst I'm still deving.
>> When I find some time next week I'll create a simple 
>> tapestry-jpa/tapestry-hibernate to see if that will work on Glassfish with 
>> the Grid component.
>> Otherwise, I might go back to testing on JBoss so I can use Grid.  It'll be 
>> a toss up whether the gains in getting easy webservices RS/SOAP on glassfish 
>> is worth not having use of BeanModel stuff.
>> This is my persistence.xml in case you can see something I'm missing to make 
>> it work.
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <persistence xmlns="";
>>      xmlns:xsi="";
>>      xsi:schemaLocation="
>>      version="1.0">
>>      <persistence-unit name="CTIServerEM" transaction-type="JTA">
>> <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider>
>>              <jta-data-source>jdbc/fullcti1DS</jta-data-source>
>> <class></class>
>> <class></class>
>>              <properties>
>>                      <!-- <property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" 
>> value="drop-and-create-tables" 
>>                              /> -->
>>                      <property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" 
>> value="create-tables" />
>>                      <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="INFO" 
>> />
>>              </properties>
>>      </persistence-unit>
>>      <persistence-unit name="ReadOnlyAlerteeEM"
>>              transaction-type="JTA">
>> <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider>
>>              <jta-data-source>jdbc/d6alerteetestDS</jta-data-source>
>>              <class>com.alertee.contacts.model.CustomAlerteeContacts</class>
>>              <class>com.alertee.contacts.model.CustomAlerteeNumbers</class>
>>              <properties>
>>                      <property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" 
>> value="none" />
>>                      <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="INFO" 
>> />
>>                      <property name="" value="true" />
>>              </properties>
>>      </persistence-unit>
>> </persistence>
>> Thanks for your suggestions!
>> Chris
>> On 22/09/2011, at 1:24 AM, Lenny Primak wrote:
>>> Have you tried exclude= in your template?  That worked for me and is 
>>> simple. 
>>> On Sep 21, 2011, at 11:18 AM, Chris Mylonas <> wrote:
>>>> Hi!!
>>>> It is EclipseLink (glassfish 3.1.1), I've just tried the first time now 
>>>> and it failed again (same reason) but I'll try a few other things based on 
>>>> Thiago's response earlier (re: BeanModel).
>>>> Here is CalledEvent which the error comes from if you can see anything 
>>>> strange, apologies Thiago for sending it to you directly earlier!!
>>>> package;
>>>> import;
>>>> import javax.persistence.Entity;
>>>> import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
>>>> import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
>>>> import javax.persistence.Id;
>>>> import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
>>>> import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
>>>> import javax.persistence.Transient;
>>>> /**
>>>> * @author chrismylonas
>>>> * 
>>>> */
>>>> @Entity
>>>> @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name 
>>>>  query ="select c FROM CalledEvent c") })
>>>> public class CalledEvent implements Serializable {
>>>> /**
>>>>  * 
>>>>  */
>>>> private static final long serialVersionUID =-35384297244606697L;
>>>> /**
>>>>  * 
>>>>  */
>>>> public static final String QUERY_GETALL 
>>>> ="";
>>>> /**
>>>>  * 
>>>>  */
>>>> @Id
>>>> @GeneratedValue(strategy =GenerationType.IDENTITY)
>>>> private Long id;
>>>> /**
>>>>  * 
>>>>  */
>>>> private String name;
>>>> /**
>>>>  * 
>>>>  */
>>>> private String callingParty;
>>>> /**
>>>>  * 
>>>>  */
>>>> private String calledParty;
>>>> /**
>>>>  * 
>>>>  */
>>>> private String dialedNumber;
>>>> /**
>>>>  * 
>>>>  */
>>>> private String trunk;
>>>> /**
>>>>  * 
>>>>  */
>>>> private String server;
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @return
>>>>  */
>>>> public Long getId() {
>>>>     return id;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @param id
>>>>  */
>>>> public void setId(Long id) {
>>>> =id;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @return
>>>>  */
>>>> public String getName() {
>>>>     return name;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @param name
>>>>  */
>>>> public void setName(String name) {
>>>> =name;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @return
>>>>  */
>>>> public String getCallingParty() {
>>>>     return callingParty;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @param callingParty
>>>>  */
>>>> public void setCallingParty(String callingParty) {
>>>>     this.callingParty ĂŠllingParty;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @return
>>>>  */
>>>> public String getCalledParty() {
>>>>     return calledParty;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @param calledParty
>>>>  */
>>>> public void setCalledParty(String calledParty) {
>>>>     this.calledParty ĂŠlledParty;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @return
>>>>  */
>>>> public String getDialedNumber() {
>>>>     return dialedNumber;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @param dialedNumber
>>>>  */
>>>> public void setDialedNumber(String dialedNumber) {
>>>>     this.dialedNumber =dialedNumber;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @return
>>>>  */
>>>> public String getTrunk() {
>>>>     return trunk;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @param trunk
>>>>  */
>>>> public void setTrunk(String trunk) {
>>>>     this.trunk =trunk;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @return
>>>>  */
>>>> public String getServer() {
>>>>     return server;
>>>> }
>>>> /**
>>>>  * @param server
>>>>  */
>>>> public void setServer(String server) {
>>>>     this.server =server;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> On 22/09/2011, at 12:53 AM, Lenny Primak wrote:
>>>>> This is EclipseLink.  I use it and ran into the same problem.
>>>>> On Sep 21, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Lenny Primak wrote:
>>>>>> If you add exclude="_persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup"
>>>>>> to your grid definition, this should resolve the problem.
>>>>>> On Sep 21, 2011, at 3:10 AM, Chris Mylonas wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Tapestry Users,
>>>>>>> I've got a problem with the grid element.
>>>>>>> <t:grid source="calledEvents" value="calledEvent" />
>>>>>>> It doesn't happen if I put my List<CalledEvent> into a Loop element and 
>>>>>>> build the table.
>>>>>>> <t:loop source="calledEvents" value="calledEvent">
>>>>>>>     <tr>
>>>>>>>         <td>${}</td>
>>>>>>>         <td>${calledEvent.calledParty}</td>
>>>>>>>         <td>${calledEvent.callingParty}</td>
>>>>>>>         <td>${calledEvent.dialedNumber}</td>
>>>>>>>     </tr>
>>>>>>> </t:loop>
>>>>>>> I'm getting this error when using the grid
>>>>>>> Render queue error in SetupRender[Index:grid.columns]: Failure reading 
>>>>>>> parameter 'model' of component Index:grid: Exception generating conduit 
>>>>>>> for expression '_persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup': Unable to add 
>>>>>>> method java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object) to class 
>>>>>>> $PropertyConduit_1328ac84ee8: [source error] 
>>>>>>> _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup() not found in 
>>>>>>> What does this mean?
>>>>>>> I'm using Geoff's @EJB stuff from jumpstart's EJBAnnotationWorker 
>>>>>>> example
>>>>>>> I'd really like to use the grid because then I can use the rowsPerPage 
>>>>>>> parameter for "developer productivity" :P
>>>>>>> Thanks for any help,
>>>>>>> Chris
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