NoClassDefinition errors are normally thrown if the class or JAR isn't in the classpath, the only other time this happens is when the ClassLoader isn't able to load the class path because an exception is thrown on any static initialisers.

(This is conjecture...) It may be the ServletContext has a static { ... } block that is throwing an error for some reason, the class can't be loaded and is therefore not available, hence the NoClassDefinition found error.

However, I don't understand why your code is moaning about ServletContext when it doesn't look like you are anywhere near it.

Kind Regards,

On 6 Dec 2005, at 17:44, Armand Rock wrote:

Hello David,
I included all jar & zip files on my computer, including j2ee.jar and I'm
still having the problem.
I have just noticed a weird behaviour though, if I try to reload the jsp
right after the jsp fails the first
time it seems to run without throwing the exception. If I restart Tomcat
and try again the problem starts
again. I could get this to work in theory by forcing it to run through the
code once on startup
but I shouldn't have to do that and I honestly would prefer getting it to
work as it should.

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