
We are using tomcat 5.5.12 and every couple days the tomcat server goes down hard and the last line in the log is:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

It appears to only happen if we:
Update jsp pages
Reload Webapp
Deploy Webapp

If we do not do any of the following the server runs great with no problems which makes me wonder if it has to do with our application or tomcat. We are planning on restarting tomcat each night for now, but we do not want to do that if we shouldnt have to.

This is exactly the problem we kept experiencing, only ours was after 4 -5 hours of heavy use. We have a very large webapp with well over 200 complex pages. However, we were able to address this by using the following configuration:

-server -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:NewRatio=16

We have 3 gigabytes of RAM, but were were still getting out of memory errors. The key setting, "-XX:NewRatio=16" was the trick. This is the ratio allocation between 'perm' and 'eden' memory. The default value is 8. Raising this value gives more memory to the perm memory. Also note, that raising the MaxPermSize to 128m helped for a while, but eventually we got an out of memory error.

We have struggled with correct allocations and continue to tweak our settings. I hope this is helpful.

Stephen Caine
CommonGround Softworks, Inc.

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