All I can say is individual mileage may vary. Good luck with the Microsoft projects.

-- David

Tony LaPaso wrote:
I also must comment on your comment about the Microsoft documentation. One of the things I've hated about using Tomcat is the horrible documentation. IMHO bad documentation is very typical of open source projects and if you think about the open source mantra, it makes sense, doesn't it?

Consider this: An open source project is staffed by volunteers. They're not paid for their time. As a result, they're only going to work on those aspects of the project they find fun and interesting to work on. As a software developer, I can tell you that very few programmers I've known find writing documentation "fun and interesting". The result is, as we see in Tomcat, documentation that is incomplete, inconsistent and very piecemeal.

The poor documentation is just one problem with the open source philosophy. There are other, more serious problems that I won't go into here.

Now let's consider Microsoft, or any software company that pays its people. First of all, Microsoft has (I would assume) professional technical writers. That fact alone will mean their documentation is more likely to be better than that of an open source project. Second, when a programmer at Microsoft writes documentation he is probably doing so because of it's part of the job, just like writing code. To *not* write good documentation would probably affect Microsoft programmers' performance reviews and financial compensation. Since open source programmers don't have to worry about performance reviews or financial compensation, why should they bother writing that boring documentation when they can be writing code instead?

Tony LaPaso

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: From Java to C#, ASP.NET [Off Topic]

Most of the observations I've seen in this thread are based on
Microsoft's marketing.  Something that should be taken with more than
just a grain of salt.  Just look at what they did at their own
anti-trust trial here in the US a couple of years ago when they
purposely sabbotaged comparison tests of Windows with and without IE.
They were under oath at the time!

I will say I have used their products to develop solutions in the past
and it's ... well ... interesting.  The stuff works well when you know
how to use it.  Unfortunately I found their docs no where near the
quality of Tomcat or Java which prolonged development on something that
should have been extremely simple.  Also the whole C#/aspx design is
centered around events just like Windows itself which I find just a
little disconcerting.  Not a problem if you're already familiar with
programming in Access.  I would prefer a cleaner, more visible flow.

Lastly, and this is specific to the PetStore demo below, I've never seen
a conversion that has ever gotten it right from the start.  It'll be
guaranteed converting Java to .Net will be suboptimal at best
considering the paradigm differences in processing structure.  Your
almost better off starting over again recoding the whole thing in .Net
using your existing Java code as a reference model.

In the end, I think comparing Java servlets to .Net is like comparing
apples to tomatoes.  They're both fruit, but that's where the
similarities end.


ZedroS Schwart wrote:

Regarding the Petshop, there was a great deal of discussion about it on TSS
a few months ago.

In fact, apparently, the petshop on the Java side wasn't designed to be
efficient, just a show case. Which, we agree, is quite a shame.

However, further points where disturbing :
- versions of the databases' drivers were different. In the case of the JDBc
driver it was an old one.
- the choice of the databases is also crucial in such cironcstance, and it
wasn't fully transparent either.

On the .Net side they did devote a whole team to improve the code. To be fair, they told the TSS crowd they would make any change deemed necessary (by the TSS crowd) to the Java petShop code, but the issues above, about the
databases, remained unsolved.

All in all, I consider it quite hard to judge with this example.

But, as usual, it's just my 2 cents ;)


On 1/27/06, Michael Scano < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Tony,

Thanks for sharing your experiences with .NET. I
appreciate your candor and taking the time. One thing
I didn't see you mention in the core support for XML.
Do you know how much of an advantage this is compared
to the the way in which Java works with XML.

BTW, I visited the dotnet teams result page on their
port of the Java Petshop reference application to .NET
and my jaw dropped. Unless they're stretching the
truth and exagerating wildly, I can't see how Java can
compete. Have you seen this?

How close to reality do you think their results are.

-Michael D.

--- David Delbecq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Tony,

am what you could call a junior programmer (less
than 3 years expérience un j2ee)
I'll just respond to a few java related point, as i
don't know .NET
- You say primitives are not nullable. If you need a
nullable integer, use java.lang.Integer.
- Operators overloading is something i consider
dangerous, and i thanks sun for not implementing
- We are developping here a webapp which need to be
deployed at several 'clients', whose server
range from linux to windows to HP-UX, so
cross-platform is an important constraint :) This
explains the use of java.
- The 'only one language' of JAVA compared to .NET
make it easier for company to manage the
knowledge of developpers, which can compensate the
knowledge spreading across the various libraries

Those too are only my opinions, and as you express
yours, i express mine :)

BTW, i don't think there is a conflict .NET <-> J2EE
Simply use the right tool for the right purpose.

Le Mercredi 25 Janvier 2006 04:27, Tony LaPaso a
écrit :

Hi all,

I should mention that this post is a bit off

topic. If you hate

Microsoft then stop reading now and I'm sorry for

wasting your time. I

don't own stock in Microsoft, I don't know Bill

Gates and nobody paid

me or asked me to say the things I wrote below.

These are just my

opinions based on my experiences with many years

in Java and two months

of learning .NET/C# 2.0.

I've been programming in Java/J2EE for the past 8+

years, most of this

time as a contractor for several companies on many

J2EE projects. I

even have a small (and now hopelessly out of date)

Java web site that

I've maintained for the past 5+ years at, which

will be removed in early May.

Until about 8 weeks ago, I never even considered

looking at anything

Microsoft offered. Recently though, on a whim, I

browsed over to the

Microsoft site because I'd heard about their new

release of Visual

Studio. I'd been a Windows programmer back in the

mid '90s and was

curious to see how Visual Studio (it was Visual

C++ back then) had

evolved (or not).

I didn't download Visual Studio but instead I

downloaded a couple free

tutorial videos for Microsoft's "Web Developer

Express" product (which

is a free product, BTW). "Web Developer Express"

has a subset of the

features in the full "Visual Studio" product and

is used for building

server-side (or client side, for that matter) web

apps. I couldn't

believe what I saw. "Web Developer Express" blows

away anything we have

in the Java world for developing server-side web

apps. It was kind of a

jaw-dropping experience to see what the tool can

do and what ASP.NET

offers compared to servlets/JSP/Struts/JSTL/JSF.

I don't want to turn this post into a "feature by

feature" comparison

of ASP.NET and equivalent Java technologies. My

impression, though,

from watching these tutorial videos is that we in

the J2EE world are

living like knuckle-dragging Barbarians,

scratching out an existence

clothed in bear skins, using stone knives and

sticks as our tools of

choice. Those using .NET are living in fine brick

homes with hardwood

floors, fireplaces and regular visits from PeaPod.

After looking at ASP.NET I became interested in

looking at the C#

language, proper. My impressions of C# vs. Java

mirrored those of

ASP.NET vs. servlets/JSP/etc. Java has kludgey

support for properties

and events (they're just regular methods with

parameters) while C# has

the constructs (delegates & events) built directly

into the core

language. C# also supports co-routines, something

we have to simulate

in Java as well as "out parameters" (which allow a

method to change the

caller's parameter's value) and operator

overloading. C# also has

"nullable" types. Imagine Java's primitive types

being able to hold

null values. This is highly useful when working

with databases.

Finally, .NET provides an integrated and more

comprehensive approach to

setting security permissions and versioning of

what are called,

"assemblies". Assemblies are very roughly

equivalent to JARs. This

allows you to compile your code against a specific

version of an

assembly and have that version information

maintained in the resulting

executable. It also allows several versions of the

same assemblies

(again, think "JARs") to co-exist peacefully in a

global, system-wide

cache of assemblies. Sun should have given us

something like this five

years ago.

Another advantage I saw with .NET is that it is

more "cross language"

friendly than Java. First of all, .NET, like Java,

executes a "platform

neutral" representation of a program (analogous to

Java bytecode).

Unlike Java, .NET programs can be written in many

languages (C#, C++,

Perl, Python, J#, VB, and many others).

Microsoft's J# is, from what

I've seen, a clone of Java (although I'm sure

there are differences).

The point I want to make is that once compiled,

.NET programs can call

each other seamlessly, regardless of the language

the programs were

originally written in. So for example, a J# class

can extend a C# class

which can extend a VB class. You're not tied to

one language like you

are in Java.

I know that, theoretically, any language could

potentially be compiled

into Java bytecode (I guess Groovy is an example).


however, this is not commonly done.

Suffice it say, I am switching after 8+ years in

Java. It was a tough

decision at first because I have so much time and

effort invested in

Java. When I eventually get on a .NET project I

will be starting over

as a junior person making a junior person's

salary. That won't be

pleasant. I have close to $1,000 in Java books

that I've accumulated

over the years that are now for sale on Amazon.

Ultimately though, I

felt I'd be able to spend more time actually

writing code on a single

consistent, and what seems to be superior platform

(.NET) rather than

gluing together a half dozen open source tools

with XML files, which it

seems J2EE requires far too much of.

To me, J2EE has become too fat and burdensome in

the past few years,

especially with the proliferation of so many

competing open source

projects. I think too much choice can be as bad as

not enough choice.

BTW, I realize .NET is not perceived as being as

"cross platform" as

Java (although that's changing as the Mono Project

[] gains traction).

Initially, this lack of

"cross platformability" gave me cause for

hesitation. But then I

started thinking of all the J2EE projects I'd been

on in the past 8

=== message truncated ===

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