--- "David Tonhofer, m-plify S.A."
> Another 2c: When doing Java, you may want to stay
> clear of J2EE. I have
> heard it's the Wooly Mammoth framework and I have so
> far worked happily
> without it. I recommend a look at Bruce Tate's
> pamphlet here:
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/bfljava/>
> Best regards,
>  -- David

Specifically on this one email:

J2EE is an API set to support some specifications:

There isn't much to it.  It depends on what
specifically you are going to need to use.  There are
a lot of services provided by J2EE.  So, naturally
it's going to get a little complex.  J2EE is J2SE+ and

Then on the general topic/this thread:

There is SO much mis-information put out by competing
technologies and those wanting to evangelise for their
perceived benefit.  One could argue different terms
and be correct in either direction.  Java will run on
more platforms currently, and .NET could were there to
be more runtimes for more platforms.  C# has some
language features Java doesn't have which can be both
helpful and harmful depending on view point.  Java is
much more KISS in that regard.

Some organizations want to use the same environment
across the board and might only want MS products. 
Fair enough, run with it.  Some may not want to be
limited in that regard as some organizations like to
run heavy enterprise databases on more advanced and
capable hardware.  Some like to have different OS for
different jobs.  One size doesn't always fit all for
every organization.  So, to each their own.  To say
one is better than the other is merely a point of
opinion and depending on what an organization wants to
lock in on should dictate more than anything what
technologies are used.

I prefer KISS as it helps to simplify things, so I
prefer the java language.  In C# you might have an
event handler setup using delegates or interfaces.  So
you have different ways of doing the same thing.  I
prefer one way.  I also prefer javas inheritance
language compared to C# and it's C++ syntax.  I don't
like the package naming conventions set by MS either
which makes it easy for namespace/class name
collision.  Nor do I like the new partial classes.  I
don't think certain things add to readability and aid
in an overall project as much as they might help a
single persons productivity with getting one thing

I have done plenty of things in the past which helped
me, but made it harder for other people to keep up
with me on a project as it was merely understandable
by me because I wrote it and the language supported me
doing so.  I've done this with C/C++ macros as well. 
So, some things personal and some things in the
language are good candidates for me to drop from
project usage when setting up conventions for an
organizations project.  Same thing in C++ would happen
alot....so for conventions unless there was no real
way of doing something without using some complex hard
to read syntax....I always limit the usage of certain
language syntax.

Other than language issues I prefer the Java platform
all together unless .NET is a requirement imposed by
someone else.  There is no benefit which I can see in
using .NET over Java.  I would rather use one main
environment and tool set and only user another when
needed.  Were that environment to be .NET I would feel
the same way about Java.  However, I develop for
Linux, Windows, and Macintosh and occasionally flavors
of Unix, so that kind of rules out .NET.

As to the notion that some application runs better on
.NET vs Java or vice versa....really it will all
depend on how any given application is written and
which one comes before the other: meaning...I can
write an application and John Doe can come along
behind me and improve on it and I can come along
behind him and improve on what he did and we can keep
doing this until we're exausted and neither one really
accomplish anything better than the other but we can
surely, each, convince a few others we did.  Sun and
Microsoft collaborate now days...just like before the
lawsuit...now that they settled their "ordeal".  They
entered into a technology sharing agreement which was
a big news story when it first happened and was post
on their sites, so who ever really thinks they aren't
borrowing many of the same ideas from each other are
blinded by the marketing and propaganda hype natually
put out by commercial companies.  I might be able to
locate the article.

So, to sum it up.  Use what you are more confortable
with most of the time, but don't lock yourself into
any single technology as you'll certainly have to
write some code in more than one langauge on more than
one platform if you have a very long career in this
field.  Personally I prefer Java, but if I have an
oppurtunity to help my career or my situation then I
would be a fool to say I would not use .NET and vice
versa as well.  They both have pluses and minuses and
nothing is perfect.  I wills ay this though: MS has
said COM, DCOM, and COM+ is better than Java for years
and posted hundreds of articles supposedly proving how
much better it was.  What are they pushing today?


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