----- Original Message ----- From: "David Tonhofer, m-plify S.A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:11 AM
Subject: RE: From Java to C#, ASP.NET [Off Topic]

David Thielen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

My conclusion between the two (now that .NET 2.0 has shipped) is:
Portable - java
Otherwise - .NET. A lot of the .NET advantage comes from the fact that the entire stack is from Microsoft so it all just works and is easy to use.

Thanks - dave

S'probably the truth. Maybe Microsoft will open up once Bill & Steve have
kicked the bucket. Would do them some good.

Another 2c: When doing Java, you may want to stay clear of J2EE. I have heard it's the Wooly Mammoth framework and I have so far worked happily
without it. I recommend a look at Bruce Tate's pamphlet here:

I agree whole heartedly. The Bruce Tate book along with Rod Johnson's, "Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB" are indications of many Java developers' overall dissatisfaction with the ponderous, unnecessarily overbearing beast that is J2EE. My own feel is that all the Java "Enterprise APIs" that make up J2EE were more or less "bolted on" after the core Java language was established.

Generally, I think "choice' is A Good Thing. But at a certain point too much choice leads to fragmentation and confusion which in turn leads to frustration, sloppiness and failed projects.

Just think about object persistence as an example....what do you use? Hibernate? EJBs? JDO? iBatis? TopLink? Something else? Then think of all the web related frameworks you have...Tapestry, Velocity, JSP, Cocoon, JSTL, JSF, Struts, probably a dozen more. Now, before someone "corrects me", I realize there is not always a perfect overlap between all these projects. I realize that some of them are "complimentary" to others.

Java, the core language, is good (although, as I mentioned in the original post, I think C# is a bit better). There's no doubt in my mind that C# and .NET benefited from Java and J2EE, just as Boeing and McDonnell Douglas benefited from the work of the Wright Brothers.

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