You must put the class in a .jar itself located in the WEB-INF/lib
folder of a .war or you must put the class in WEB-INF/classes of a .war
You must also setup your servlet un WEB-INF/web.xml

Then you must deploy you .war in tomcat (the easiest way is to use the

If you don't know what web.xml and what a .war are, i suggest you take a
look at section
about web technology.


Marc Wentink a écrit :

>My excuses for such a simple question, but the archives are not =
>searchable and the documentation not very clear. Or may-be I am just a =
>terrible newbee.
>Say I have a class file that contains a servlet, should not I do =
>something so that tomcat becomes the container of this servlet, and a =
>client browser could call the servlet? I expected to find some "install =
>class file that contains the servlet so Tomcat becomes it container" =
>option somewhere in the management part of Tomcat, but I am lost.
>These are my files:
>import javax.servlet.*;
>import javax.servlet.http.*;
>public class HelloIZ extends HttpServlet {
>    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse =
>    throws IOException, ServletException
>    {
>        response.setContentType("text/html");
>        PrintWriter out =3D response.getWriter();
>        out.println("<html>");
>        out.println("<head>");
>        out.println("<title>Hallo IntraZis!</title>");
>        out.println("</head>");
>        out.println("<body>");
>        out.println("<h1>Hallo IntraZis!</h1>");
>        out.println("</body>");
>        out.println("</html>");
>    }
>I have got the class file after setting my classpath to servlet.jar and =
>using javac.
>And I thought I had to make some html to call the servlet:
><title>Hello Hospital!</title>
><a href=3D"./HelloIZExample">go</a>

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