If you're using Apache 1.3.x or 2.0.x, mod_jk is pretty simple overall.

No, you don't want to even try in-process stuff and, yes, if you have a firewall in between Apache and Tomcat that drops idle connections you should read carefully (this is covered by the docs).

The only big complaint I have is that the mod_jk docs don't make it terribly clear (or didn't last I checked) exactly how to set jvmRoute in Tomcat and how extraordinarily critical this is when doing load balancing. The Tomcat docs don't make this terribly clear either -- apart from a comment in server.xml. Most everyone I know who tries mod_jk load balancing gets hung up on this one point unless/until I give them a detailed explanation. Apart from the lack of clear/obvious information on this in the mod_jk docs (which should include it considering most folk won't think to check both mod_jk and Tomcat docs), this is actually very simple as well, though.

I am looking forward to mod_proxy_ajp as it is supposed be a tiny bit faster.

Jess Holle

Brad O'Hearne wrote:
mod_proxy_ajp? Yet another twist. Its just hard for me to believe that "how do I integrate tomcat and apache httpd?" is such a mystery / unknown. This seems like it would be question #1 on any Tomcat FAQ.

So where can I found out more about mod_proxy_ajp. Is there a Tomcat resource which explains the configuration of it?


Bill Barker wrote:

"Brad O'Hearne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
After wasting time trying to configure mod_jk, I thought I'd just wipe my mind free and just play dumb for a moment. If Apache can proxy requests using mod_proxy, what is the benefit of using mod_jk as an integration technique between httpd and tomcat, if integration is *not* in-process, which I understand is not recommended for Tomcat 5.5?

Actually, in-process with mod_jk is only supported (and, I use the term lightly :) for TC 3.3.x. For any higher versions it doesn't work at all.

You've managed to grasp the deep, dark plan of the Tomcat developers: It is expected that people will migrate to mod_proxy_ajp with Httpd 2.2+, and mod_jk is expected to move to supporting IIS/SunOne only (and, the later only if somebody steps up with interest :).


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