On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Christopher Schultz
<ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Howard,
> On 2/1/13 6:27 PM, Howard W. Smith, Jr. wrote:
>> For now, I want a cluster of at least 2 or 3 tomcat servers for
>> fault-tolerance and load balancing.
> If your requirements allow for users to have to re-authenticate when
> you have a failover-event, then I highly recommend that you use
> sticky-sessions /without/ session replication: performance will be
> much better that way (and it's easier to configure).
>> Yes, I read that it is not good for web apps to start (Java)
>> threads to do background work, and per that advise, I have avoided
>> that for now. so far, I have used @Asynchronous and @Schedule, very
>> minimally.
> The container in that case will be managing a thread pool on your
> behalf. This is the recommended way to do things, but it's not
> terrible if you want to manage your own thread pool for some
> particular reason. But, if the container will do it for you in a
> standards-compliant way, there doesn't seem to be a reason not to take
> advantage of it.
>> Chris, I'm glad you mentioned, "IMO session replication is a dog",
>> because honestly, I would love to avoid some of the pre-work
>> required to prepare my app for session replication. I'm definitely
>> interested in the 'better ways to achieve similar goals. I would
>> love to have 2 or 3 instances of my web app accessing one database
>> (Derby, at the present), and all 2 or 3 instances actually knowing
>> about each other. :)
> Well, if you can tolerate re-auth on failover, then there's nothing to
> do at all: simply enable sticky-sessions and let it happen. Failovers
> should be rare, anyway, right?
> - -chris

Wow, thanks Chris for the response! I am going to have to take a look
at sticky sessions. If I have any more questions, it's best for me to
respond in a separate post/thread.

Zoran, my apologies for hijacking the thread. I hope that you will be
able to resolve the issue that you're having and hope you will keep us


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