On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Harris, Jeffrey E. <
jeffrey.har...@mantech.com> wrote:

If you buy a terminal server license, then the cap on two users is removed
> (to the limit
> specified in the terminal server license), and any users can log in
> remotely.
That's exactly right.

In Microsoft terms, terminal server license = Client Access License (CALs).
Per my experience, Windows Server 2003 (standard version) is sold with 2
CALs, and you can purchase additional, such as 5 CALs, etc...

Recently, for the web app that I developed, we got  Windows Server 2008 R2,
and I think we purchased it with 5 CALs.

Client Access Licenses (CALs) allow you to have that many people login
simultaneously on the server.

For years and ever since we purchased it, only 2 people were able to login
to the Windows Server 2003 'remotely' (via Remote Desktop). Why? because we
had the default/bundled 2 CALs.

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