On Mar 25, 2013, at 6:03 AM, André Warnier wrote:

Howard W. Smith, Jr. wrote:
On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Howard W. Smith, Jr. <
smithh032...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Jeffrey,

Yes, I now get it. Thanks for the lesson on Windows Networking (I thought
I knew well) and thanks to Andre as well.
You also said that if all I wanted to do was make a list of mapping
appear in an html page (without actually using them
in your application), you can just fake it as previously discussed. I
think I missed that part.


Glad you understand now. I was about to provide a response similar to Andre's previous response. This all reminds me of a similar situation
within my TomEE/Tomcat7 web app.

On my development server (Windows 2008 server 64-bit), I am 'always'
logged in and coding/etc, which means I always test the web app via
NetBeans (which provide the infamous 'console' that is mentioned throughout this thread). I developed this piece of code that uses JODConverter to call OpenOffice.org at/via port 2002, and this allows my web app to convert files to PDF after enduser uploads certain documents (Word docs, excel, etc...). So, that all works on my development server. Why? because I am logged in everytime while testing and the app is 'never' running as a
Windows 'service' on my development server.

So, i deploy my web app to target/production server (Windows 2003 Server and/or Windows Server 2008). For many months now, I have wondered 'why' the code will not work on the 'production' server but it runs/works 'everytime' on my development server. Finally, recently (after many months of research and/or multiple attempts of trying to debug/resolve the problem), I either read somewhere or finally realized that the code will 'not' work because my web app is running as a service, and for whatever reason (of course a 'Windows' reason), the code will 'not' work while running as a service.

So, I am left to coding another implementation to convert files after upload, use another library, and ditch the JODConverter/ OpenOffice.org

Forgot to mention... since OpenOffice.org can be installed in the Startup folder, i was assuming that it would run as a service on production server, and/but I forgot that Startup folder just automatically starts the app immediately when/after you login. OpenOffice.org is 'not' running as a
service, and since my web app is running as a service (in a different
'environment'), my web app was unable to access OpenOffice.org, because clearly/definitely/evidently, it was not/never running as a 'service'..
which means it was never available to my web app. :(

And, to get back more OT, that may be the fundamental difference with my succesful usage of the same : in my case, it is my service program which launches the background OpenOffice instance, which most probably means that it too is running in the same service context a the main service program.
(Which brings us back to the same context as this thread).
Update: If I'm login interactively (meaning machine boots and I login and get my desktop) and that interactive account matches the service login account then "net use" from within the service does return all mapped drives. I'm not sure if that is by design or is something I can hang my hat on but it is the case
with Windows 7 SP1.

Thanks again

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