
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 9:45 AM, Konstantin Kolinko
<> wrote:
> 2013/5/19 jieryn <>:
>> $ grep com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.Coordinator *
>> Binary file jaxb-impl- matches
>> Apache Maven dependency:tree shows that this is coming from Apache
>> Wink (wink-common -> wink-client).
> Where the jar is located?
> IIRC the JRE provides a JAXB implementation, so if you replace one,
> shouldn't the jar go into ${catalina.home}/endorsed ?

Apache Wink's POM lists it as a dependency, and so it goes right into
the application's WEB-INF/lib. I believe you are right, with Java 6 SE
and up, there is a JAX-B 2.0 implementation bundled. I hadn't tried to
operate without it, even though it seems like I should be able to do

Do you think that this is related to Apache Wink creating a
ThreadLocal, though? The core problem I am trying to address now is
that there may be a memory leak by using a ThreadLocal by Apache Wink.
I contacted them, hopefully they will respond.


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