
I am using Apache Tomcat 7.0.40, via IBM Java 7 SR2. I am seeing the
following on Tomcat shutdown:

The web application [] created a ThreadLocal with key of type
[com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.Coordinator$1] (value
[com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.Coordinator$1@f9b00906]) and a value of
type [java.lang.Object[]] (value [[Ljava.lang.Object;@3d8d9b93]) but
failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are
going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.

When I inspect the libraries within the application I find:

$ grep com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.Coordinator *
Binary file jaxb-impl- matches

Apache Maven dependency:tree shows that this is coming from Apache
Wink (wink-common -> wink-client).

Is this JAXB ThreadLocal something that Apache Tomcat ought to protect me from?

Thank you,

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