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On 11/4/13, 8:19 PM, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
>> Nov 3, 2013 1:00:11 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig 
>> checkResources INFO: Undeploying context [/foobar-b] 03 Nov 2013
>> 01:00:12,010 INFO  WintouchInitServlet  - Wintouch Web server is
>> closed.

That certainly does look like HostConfig.checkResources redeployed
your webapps starting at 01:00:11.

Any idea whether 1:00:11 AM above is the "first" or the "second" 01:00
that occurred on the 3rd? I'm guessing the "second" time 01:00
occurred on the 3rd because the time-change does not occur until 02:00
(when the clock goes back to 01:00).

> But I still don't see how the end of DST could have triggered mass 
> redeployment.

I checked the code for HostConfig.checkResources and it does appear to
use System.currentTimeMillis, which shouldn't be affected by DST changes.

> Now, it seems that the "CodeOnDemand" context's WAR file is *not*
> in webapps (it's in the parent of webapps), and even though the log
> file shows an undeploy/redeploy of the context, the directory was
> never actually deleted or recreated. Likewise, the "tmtest" context
> never had a WAR file; it's just a directory with some static pages
> in it, manually created in place, and an images directory
> supporting it, in an attempt to resolve some problems with
> trustmarks from a certificate authority, and even though the logs
> say it was undeployed and redeployed, it, too, is undisturbed, as
> are Manager and host-manager.
> But "bozbar" and "foobar-b" (not the real names, as they're
> associated with Wintouch environments we host for a couple of our
> customers) DID get redeployed (with their custom settings pointing
> them at the proper Wintouch servers reset to the default of
> LOCALHOST), as did the ROOT context (our own production Wintouch,
> ass, rather than the default ROOT context), and the same pattern
> apparently holds at all of our customers who host their own
> Wintouch-specific Tomcat servers.
> When there aren't any deviations from the default Wintouch Web 
> configurations (typically a production Wintouch Web server
> installed as the ROOT context, and talking to a Wintouch server on
> the same physical box at the standard port on LOCALHOST), this
> redeployment is harmless. But when there are any changes, such as
> the Wintouch server being on a different box (one customer), or at
> a different port (most customers have a test/training/development
> Wintouch environment, with its own Wintouch Web context in Tomcat,
> and one has two live and two test/training/development
> environments), then all this gets reset (and signing on to a live
> environment when you think you're signing on to a test environment
> can be nasty indeed!)
> Does disabling auto-deploy and/or deploy-on-start affect our
> ability to deploy from the Manager?


> Given that the lack of a corresponding WAR file seems to keep the 
> undeploy/deploy from happening automatically, does manually
> removing the WAR file from the webapps directory after deployment
> have any undesirable side effects, such as causing (or blocking)
> undeployment?

It will likely cause undeployment.

I assume you did things like check the timestamp(s) of the WAR file(s)
just to make sure they were squarely in the past, etc., right?

Are there any other processes or procedures that might have
coincidentally-triggered the redeployment at that particular time?

- -chris
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