First of all, sorry about being grouchy. Just after I sent my irate reply, Mr. Schultz, I saw that you'd seen and replied to my more detailed posting, the one with the log excerpts, and a certain two-word scatological phrase immediately popped into my head.

I've had a chance to try some things. With autoDeploy on, if a WAR file in webapps is deleted, then the context associated with it quickly follows, whether it was deployed by autoDeploy or by Manager.

But if a context is deployed by calling jar on a WAR file that's outside webapps, then (at least so long as the WAR file never makes it into webapps) it's immune to being automatically undeployed.

If I deploy a context using Manager, the WAR file gets copied into webapps, making the context vulnerable to being auto-undeployed.

The autoDeploy flag lives near the bottom of tomcat/conf/server.xml.

Do I have this right so far?

By my slightly addled understanding of the Configuration Reference, the deployOnStartup flag also lives there, and defaults to true; yet I don't see it there. I haven't seen any contexts stomped on and reset to their default configurations on launching Tomcat, but this does scare me a bit.

James H. H. Lampert

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