"I think without a validationQuery, your pool will effectively dry-up over

I'm expecting some very high traffic, so it's unlikely if not impossible a
connection will timeout on the mysql side with the default settings. All
connections are safely returned to the pool (famous last words, I know), so
I'm holding off to see if I do see the pool shrinking over time, and if I'm
getting "already closed" exceptions. If that's the case the validation
query and validationInterval are certainly not a great expense. It's good
advice, but I'm just curious if they are absolutely necessary


On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Dan,
> On 12/3/13, 12:32 PM, Daniel Mikusa wrote:
> > On Dec 3, 2013, at 12:14 PM, Tomcat Random
> > <tomcat.ran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> I considered using a validation query but it seemed like extra
> >> overhead when the default behavior was not, um, behaving in the
> >> default way.
> >
> > The overhead is typically minimal.  Running "SELECT 1" or some
> > other very simply query is not likely to bring your database to
> > it's knees.  It might add a small amount of latency as the pool
> > will need to execute the query before it give the connection to
> > your application, but that's likely to be dwarfed by whatever your
> > application does with the connection after it gets it.
> >
> > If you are concerned you can do a couple things to make the process
> > even more lightweight.
> >
> > 1.) With MySQL and use "/* ping */ SELECT 1" as the validation
> > query.  This is a special case with the MySQL JDBC driver that uses
> > even less resources.
> +1
> We use this everywhere. I've never actually benchmarked it, but since
> it does not execute a query on the server, it pretty much has to be
> faster by any measure.
> > 2.) You can use the tomcat-jdbc connection pool which has a
> > validationInterval setting.  This will ensure that the validation
> > query is only executed one time during the specified time interval.
> >
> I haven't moved to tomcat-pool yet, but this was my initial reaction
> to Alec's question about usually not needing the validation query.
> > ...or you can go without a validation query, but it's not something
> > I would recommend and not something I see done very often.  The
> > minimal overhead is usually worth knowing that you get a valid
> > connection from the pool.
> +1
> If you don't use a validation query, you need additional try/catch
> blocks around all your "getConnection()" calls, and a loop to re-try
> just in case the first connection was bad.
> I think without a validationQuery, your pool will effectively dry-up
> over time.
> - -chris
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> =9ync
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