Alec, Dan, and Chris,

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Dan,
> On 12/3/13, 12:32 PM, Daniel Mikusa wrote:
> > On Dec 3, 2013, at 12:14 PM, Tomcat Random
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >> I considered using a validation query but it seemed like extra
> >> overhead when the default behavior was not, um, behaving in the
> >> default way.
> >
> > The overhead is typically minimal.  Running "SELECT 1" or some
> > other very simply query is not likely to bring your database to
> > it's knees.  It might add a small amount of latency as the pool
> > will need to execute the query before it give the connection to
> > your application, but that's likely to be dwarfed by whatever your
> > application does with the connection after it gets it.
> >
> > If you are concerned you can do a couple things to make the process
> > even more lightweight.
> >
> > 1.) With MySQL and use "/* ping */ SELECT 1" as the validation
> > query.  This is a special case with the MySQL JDBC driver that uses
> > even less resources.
> +1
> We use this everywhere. I've never actually benchmarked it, but since
> it does not execute a query on the server, it pretty much has to be
> faster by any measure.
> > 2.) You can use the tomcat-jdbc connection pool which has a
> > validationInterval setting.  This will ensure that the validation
> > query is only executed one time during the specified time interval.
> >
> I haven't moved to tomcat-pool yet, but this was my initial reaction
> to Alec's question about usually not needing the validation query.
> > ...or you can go without a validation query, but it's not something
> > I would recommend and not something I see done very often.  The
> > minimal overhead is usually worth knowing that you get a valid
> > connection from the pool.
> +1
> If you don't use a validation query, you need additional try/catch
> blocks around all your "getConnection()" calls, and a loop to re-try
> just in case the first connection was bad.
> I think without a validationQuery, your pool will effectively dry-up
> over time.

+1 interesting topic and responses. Thanks!

Since I'm using TomEE, tomcat jdbc pool is default, and below is the config.

<Resource id="jdbc/dbJta" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
  JdbcDriver org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
  JdbcUrl jdbc:derby:X:/myPathToMyDB;create=true
  UserName ....
  Password ....
  JtaManaged true
  jmxEnabled true
  InitialSize 10
  MaxActive 30
  MaxIdle 20
  MaxWait 10000
  minIdle 10
  suspectTimeout 60
  removeAbandoned true
  removeAbandonedTimeout 180
  timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis 30000

As you can see, I am one of those rare cases that Dan mentioned...not using
validationQuery. Not so much intentional, but I'm still somewhat novice as
tomcat user.

With that said, I have not had the need to add try/catch to ensure I get a
good connection from the pool. I don't have high traffic coming to my web
app, but there are times when multiple users are using the app, and I see
absolutely 'no' connection issues (ever), and performance is quite
good/sound as well.

So, I do hear the recommendations, in this thread, about validation query,
but my app has not told me yet...that it needs the validation query. :)

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