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On 12/12/14 2:18 PM, Cris Berneburg - US wrote:
> Hi Chris
> Thanks for your replies.  I am somewhat new to Tomcat, only been
> using it for 1 year, so some of the technical details are new to
> me.
>> Is it possible that you are not using URL-based session ids, and
>> that your browser has cookies disabled via a policy?
> I will need to check URL-based session ids.  How do I check?

If your browser has cookies disabled, then all the links on the web
pages in this web application should have a ";jsessionid=[id]" path
parameter added to them. See below.

> Also, my browser does not have cookies disabled.

This is almost certainly the issue.

If your browser does not support cookies (Tomcat knows if you support
cookies if you send a JSESSIONID cookie, but it can't tell if you send
nothing), then the web application must fall-back to using URL-based

Unfortunately, this isn't entirely auto-magical: the web application
needs to support it properly. Most 3rd-party web applications should
already be doing things properly, but if you have an in-house
application, it may not be written properly.

When emitting a URL onto a page for a client, the application needs to
run the URL through a call to HttpServletResponse.encodeURL(String) or
HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(String). These methods will add
the ";jsessionid=[id]" path parameter to the URL when the client does
not support cookies. In this way, session-tracking will still work.

If the application isn't doing this for *every URL in the whole
application*, then sessions can be dropped and the user will have to
re-authenticate. If this is the case, you only have two options:

1. Re-enable cookies on your browser
2. Review the application and fix every instance of a URL on a page
(it's a huge job)

>> Is the browser or the server (or both) on Windows 2012?
> The server is on Win 2012. It works OK when both the browser and 
> server are the same 2012 VM. I don't know if it works when both
> client and server are both Win 2012 but different machines. I will
> be able to check that soon. It does not work with different client
> OS version and box than the server, but that may simply be
> coincidence.

It may be a cookie policy: if localhost is trusted, the cookie policy
may change.

>> Try using a protocol sniffer to see if the browser is sending a 
>> session id to the server, and if the server is responding with a
>> session id either before or after login.
> Wow, that sounds intimidating - never done that before.  :-)

It's worth learning how to do. I think there's a plug-in for MSIE
called IEHeaders (or something similar). Install that and you can
watch the conversation between client and server -- even when TLS is
being used.

Hope that helps,
- -chris

> -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Schultz
> [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] Sent: Thursday, December 11,
> 2014 1:35 PM To: Tomcat Users List Subject: Re: tomcat on windows
> 2012 weirdness
> Cris,
> On 12/11/14 12:41 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> Cris,
>> On 12/11/14 11:28 AM, Cris Berneburg - US wrote:
>>> I'm having trouble with my JSP web app using Tomcat 6 and 7 on
>>>  Windows Server 2012.
>>> The issue is that no matter what file I request in the browser
>>> URL, it always returns the app welcome file, that is, the login
>>> page. Even when requesting an image.  The one exception is that
>>> after logging in, the main menu page appears, but none of the
>>> graphics or CSS files load.  Clicking on the app links, it just
>>> brings up the welcome page again.  Checking the Tomcat log
>>> files, I see that Tomcat is returning the welcome page instead
>>> of the files requested in the main menu page.
>>> Using the Tomcat manager, I see that my application has a
>>> ridiculous number of sessions, instead of just one.  I
>>> interpret that for every single file requested, a new Tomcat
>>> session is being generated and possibly invalidated.
>>> FYI, using the same setup on Windows Server 2003 and 2008 works
>>> fine. Opening the same firewall ports on all three OS's has
>>> been done. Even disabling the firewall on 2012 does not affect
>>> the issue in any way. And to make things even weirder,
>>> accessing the application from a browser on the server itself
>>> using localhost works fine!
>>> I wonder if there is some mystery setting somewhere that is
>>> crippling the app.  Got any suggestions?  Please help.
>>> Thanks!
>> Check two quick things:
>> 1. Do you have any security-constraints in WEB-INF/web.xml? If
>> so, do they all make sense, and can users actually access those
>> resources once logged-in (or at all)?
>> 2. Do you have any servlets in WEB-INF/web.xml mapped to "/"
>> other than the DefaultServlet (which should be configured by
>> default so you shouldn't have to configure it yourself)?
> After re-reading your post, it's pretty clear that my initial
> questions will be worthless and not help you.
> Is it possible that you are not using URL-based session ids, and
> that your browser has cookies disabled via a policy? Is the browser
> or the server (or both) on Windows 2012?
> Try using a protocol sniffer to see if the browser is sending a
> session id to the server, and if the server is responding with a
> session id either before or after login.
> -chris
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