Mark Thomas wrote:
On 14/01/2015 18:56, Christopher Schultz wrote:


I re-read the log file, and there are no logs that actually say that
the context is reloading. It just says "checking context[/path] reload
resource" over and over again. I checked, and Tomcat does not emit any
log messages that look like that... this must come from somewhere else.

Nope. Look again at the debug logging in


so I'm not sure what I'm looking at. What I can tell is that some
component is furiously checking "reload resources" during the time
period covered by that log file.

Furiously? Look at the timestamps. This is taking milliseconds at most.
This is normal behaviour.

I would check the /Tomcat/ log during the same period to see if
anything is happening, there.

GC logging should rule that out as a factor.

So a log message like :

2015-01-12 16:11:07,390 DEBUG Checking context[/ps_9.0_8.53.02_1] redeploy resource /usr/local/tomcat-instance5/webapps/ps_9.0_8.53.02_1.war

only means that Tomcat is checking /if/ that resource has been changed, not that it is actually redeploying it ?

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