Thone Soungpanya wrote:
Hello All,

Thank you all for responding to my issue. I will see if we can turn off 
autodeploy and see if this helps. Will let you know.

Yes, that seems confusing if it is just stating "DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_9.0_8.53.02_1] redeploy resource 
/usr/local/tomcat-instance5/webapps/ps_9.0_8.53.02_1.war". That statement seems as 
if it checked context, founded that something changed so it redeployed. But sounds like 
it did not per Mark's comment.

Also, I checked the folders for conf files, etc. and no file timestamps have changed. It always had the same timestamp as the day we deployed the folder unless we directly changed the file data for some reason.

Another suggestion maybe : as you see, the logfiles are currently quite confusing, in terms of identifying what /this/ current issue may be. That is in part because, by setting the log-level to "debug", we also get all these other (probably) unrelated messages in-between, for things that in this case are merely "clutter" which obscures the thing which we are really trying to figure out.

On the other hand, I think I see that the application itself (which apparently you control) sends some messages of its own, at the "info" level. So my sggestion would be, for now, to reset the loglevel to "info", and maybe add some additional "info" loging messages in the application, to better trace just what is happening in the application.

That is also because, so far, I don't think that your main issue (if I recall correctly, that was that "sometimes" it seems that the application takes very long to connect to the external server) is very visible in the logs.
There should be a log message
- a) when the application actually starts running
- b) just before it makes that external connection to "PeopleSoft"
- c) at the moment that connection is established
- d) at the moment it sends something to the external server
- e) and at the moment it returns from the call to that external server
then we could see clearly (without tens of intermediate debug-level internal Tomcat messages) where the delays occur. It would also help very much if each of these log messages showed some kind of unique request-linked identifier, so that we can easily figure out if this is a single request, or several parallel ones.

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