Hello Andre,

Yes sorry the logs files are not clear. We have so much traffic going through 
the Tomcat and many clients connecting which it seems to be logging for 
different sessions at different time. We really have no control to sort this 
out as the connections are simultaneous. 

Our reordering of the logs and the entries listed may be correct. I cannot tell 
myself if it is linked to the same session. We tried to use Session IDs to add 
against the entries we make for servlet code but that somehow does not follow 
in order.

As for your comment on web.xml and retriggering the redeployment of the web app 
folders, yes, I am wondering why this is happening if that is the case. There 
is a web.xml in each WEB-INF folder however nothing never change. Also, this is 
all it has in it below where it is just the servlet name and mapping. Can this 
really retrigger it if it never changes?

<web-app xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee 
http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd"; version="2.4"> 
<display-name>Peoplesoft Connector</display-name> 
<description>PeopleSoft Connector Applications.</description> 

Also, yes, autodeploy is equal to "True". I will check with my colleague to see 
if we can test with false because this will impact all web folders. Do you see 
any impact if this was "false"? Why is it defaulted to "true"?



-----Original Message-----
From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 2:04 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Slow HTTP Rquest via Tomcat

Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Thone,
> On 1/13/15 1:05 PM, Thone Soungpanya wrote:
>> Hello Andre,
>> I do not think it is an DNS lookup issue but I'll check on it.
>> Yes we actually have logs but it does not tell us much. We added 
>> additional logging in our servlet code to tell us when and what the 
>> code is doing. I have attached a log for 1 connection which took 
>> about 1 minute and 23 seconds to complete. I have eliminated all 
>> sensitive information with "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX". During this 
>> time, there would be other connections too simultaneously.
>> Some information on the request: 1) HTTP request initiated at
>> 16:11:06 to Tomcat.
> This is a very confusing log file... from latest-to-oldest.


> Before #2 happens, Tomcat reloads. Many (all?) web applications were 
> re-loaded. Was that expected?
>> 2) Connection to Third Party System happened at 16:12:22. You can see 
>> it on line 38 with following text "2015-01-12 16:12:22,426 INFO 
>> 06E4074221FF93C2827079EBC2102847; begin request"
> Okay.
>> 3) Response back to Tomcat from Third Party System at 16:12:29
> This does not appear in the log.
>> So it seems that between point#1 and point #2, there was about a 1 
>> minute and 16 seconds delay before connection to the third party.
>> Point #2 to Point #3 only took 7 seconds.
>> Can you or anyone see what may be the issue from the logs?

Maybe if you provide clearer logs, having some real information allowing to 
distinguish one request processing sequence from another.

> Tomcat is reloading in the middle of the request?

Right, that's what it looks like.
And not only this one time.
 From the (very difficult) look of it, it seems that this system is spending 
its time reloading its applications almost continuously.
Using some nifty features of Notepad++, I have extracted and re-ordered what I 
believe are log lines relating to one webapp (and I don't really know for sure 
if this is one request, or several).
See attached if it makes it, it's probably clearer.  Otherwise, I have also 
pasted these log lines below.

I have selected lines related to a webapp named "ps_1.5_8.53.10", and 
re-ordered them in a logical older-to-younger top-down sequence.

Examining thse lines, we see :
- at 2015-01-12 16:11:07,396 : what appears to be the beginning of a 
redeployment of that webapp
- at  2015-01-12 16:11:08,108 (one second later) : what appears to be the 
beginning of a request to that webapp
- at 2015-01-12 16:11:15,918 (7 seconds later), what seems to be the beginning 
of yet another redeployment of that webapp
- at 2015-01-12 16:11:21,037, another request starting

In-between, there are a lot of other lines apparently showing similar (other) 
webapps redeployments, and maybe other lines related to that same webapp, but 
all quite difficult to identify because there is no common marker.

That logfile is very confusing, and as a result take this with a grain of salt, 
but I get the funny feeling that this webapp, when it responds to a request, 
may be modifying something (it's own WEB-INF/web.xml ?) in such a way that it 
triggers a re-deployment of that same very application by Tomcat, at each 
(And similarly for the other ones)

For a start, does the <Host> tag of that Tomcat instance have an 
attribute ? (see in conf/server.xml).
And if so, what about setting that attribute to "false", restarting this 
Tomcat, and looking at the symptoms again ?

(and read : 
section : Automatic Application Deployment

Appendix (also attached but the attachment may be stripped by the list) :

Re-ordered selected log line :

        Line 1099: 2015-01-12 16:11:07,396 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] redeploy resource 
        Line 1098: 2015-01-12 16:11:07,396 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] redeploy resource 
        Line 1097: 2015-01-12 16:11:07,396 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] redeploy resource 
        Line 1096: 2015-01-12 16:11:07,396 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] redeploy resource 
        Line 1095: 2015-01-12 16:11:07,396 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] redeploy resource 
        Line 1094: 2015-01-12 16:11:07,396 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] reload resource 
        Line 972: 2015-01-12 16:11:08,108 DEBUG The variable [uriBC] has value 
        Line 969: 2015-01-12 16:11:08,108 DEBUG Security checking request GET 
        Line 964: 2015-01-12 16:11:08,109 DEBUG     --> Returning 
        Line 963: 2015-01-12 16:11:08,109 DEBUG   --> Returning 
        Line 775: 2015-01-12 16:11:15,918 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] redeploy resource 
        Line 774: 2015-01-12 16:11:15,918 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] redeploy resource 
        Line 773: 2015-01-12 16:11:15,918 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] redeploy resource 
        Line 772: 2015-01-12 16:11:15,918 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] redeploy resource 
        Line 771: 2015-01-12 16:11:15,918 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] redeploy resource 
        Line 770: 2015-01-12 16:11:15,918 DEBUG Checking 
context[/ps_1.5_8.53.10] reload resource 
        Line 587: 2015-01-12 16:11:21,037 DEBUG The variable [uriBC] has value 
        Line 584: 2015-01-12 16:11:21,038 DEBUG Security checking request GET 
        Line 579: 2015-01-12 16:11:21,038 DEBUG     --> Returning 
        Line 578: 2015-01-12 16:11:21,038 DEBUG   --> Returning 

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