
On 11/2/15 5:54 PM, Aurélien Terrestris wrote:
> Either my reply was not read, or I'm surprised nobody is answering here.
> "1. Java doesn't directly support SNMP;"
> It does, officially :
> management/snmp.html and it's working pretty well with Tomcat besides being
> easy to set up.

I meant there was no client API

> "2. If the JVM is braindead, the SNMP agent can't announce any state   to
> the managers."
> Agent ? This is the SNMP server which is polling the Tomcat here. When
> Tomcat is dead, the server cannot poll anymore and raises an alert.

You were recommending the use of SNMP as an "alerting" alternative to
"monitoring". I assumed you had meant that more passive "alerting" (e.g.
only take action when a problem is occurring) was more efficient than
"monitoring" (which I took to mean polling a service to check its status).

So polling is less efficient but more reliable. Whether you use SNMP,
JMX, HTTP, or whatever, *polling* a component is better than having a
component try to report that it's failing, because part of the failure
could be its inability to report the failure state.

This isn't about SNMP versus some other technology. It's about probing
versus ... not doing so, I guess.

> You see how alerting is even easier without instrumenting, but maybe you
> want to go deeper. But then, you probably start mixing what's necessary for
> N1 support with what's helpful for developers. They have different jobs.

What is your definition of "instrumentation"? What about "probing" or
"alerting"? I'm certainly confused with your use of terms, especially
when you equate one of them with a particular technology.


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