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On 7/20/17 2:16 PM, Roparzh Hemon wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 8:03 PM, Christopher Schultz 
> <ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
>> 4. Java on Windows is a nightmare. If you want to quip about
>> moving to a "real server OS," then suggest switching to a
>> UNIX-like OS, where the Real Servers run :)
> I am quite curious and interested in what you say here, because my 
> feedback and experience go the opposite direction.

Problems I've had on Windows with Java-based programs as listed below.
Not all issues are Java-specific, however. I suspect most of these
problems are because I just "don't know Windows well enough". Fair
enough. But they are so irritating, they have made me confident I will
never use Windows for anything production-related.

1. Watching a log file is not easy. No "tail". No command-line tools
to look at text files, other than "TYPE". Want to see that log file?
Open in Notepad. Oh, is your log file too big? Sorry, try a different
GUI editor. Oh, does your log file have newlines instead of CRLF?
Unreadable: must use WRITE.EXE or install another tool.

2. Running as a service is a headache. First, you need a wrapper
program, but that wrapper program needs to fit into the Windows
Service scheme. It's like systemd except without configuration files
and instead you need configuration programs. This program can't return
any useful status information (e.g. exit value) because anything other
than 0 exit status means "error" and the service looks like it failed.
Same is true with scheduled jobs, btw (and is worse, since
scheduled-jobs really need to be able to return status information).
If you want to use the command-line (let's just admit that Windows is
completely unusable from the command-line), using "NET" to start/stop
services is particularly difficult because the service name is always
some 90-character string with spaces and special characters that need
to be escaped. Using GUI tools gives you carpal tunnel syndrome with
all the clicking required.

3. There are a handful of programs all which launch Java in different
ways. You need javaw.exe if you don't want to see a console window,
java.exe will always show a console window. If you use javaw.exe,
stdout/stderr is discarded.

4. File paths have unexpected quirks. This is not unique to Java and
is getting much better where Java is concerned, since URL handlers are
improving over time. Drive letters, UNC paths, network shares, etc.
are all a headache to use because you have to know the incantation for
each one to make it work. Sometimes you must map a network drive
letter. Out of drive letters? Too bad. Sometimes \\server\share works.
Maybe? Depends on the exact versions of everything involved.

5. Scripting is awful. I'm sure PowerShell makes it better. But there
was solution to this invented in the 1970s that is very powerful. It's
sad that it took Windows 25 years to get a decent shell/script
framework. Have a look at catalina.bat versus catalina.sh if you want
to get a sense of how awful scripting in Windows actually is.

> My goal is to self-teach myself Java in JEE for Web development. I
> am a long-time Mac fan, but on my mac I got stuck by a
> configuration problem in JEE and got ZERO feedback on half a dozen
> forums and mailing lists, including this one. In contrast, in this
> windows question I got a lot of feedback very quickly.

Well, welcome to the community. If you ever meet me in person, you'll
see I'm not such a miserable bastard as this thread would indicate.

- -chris
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