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On 7/21/2017 10:01 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Roparzh,
> On 7/20/17 2:16 PM, Roparzh Hemon wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 8:03 PM, Christopher Schultz 
>> <> wrote:
>>> 4. Java on Windows is a nightmare. If you want to quip about
>>> moving to a "real server OS," then suggest switching to a
>>> UNIX-like OS, where the Real Servers run :)
>> I am quite curious and interested in what you say here, because my 
>> feedback and experience go the opposite direction.
> Problems I've had on Windows with Java-based programs as listed below.
> Not all issues are Java-specific, however. I suspect most of these
> problems are because I just "don't know Windows well enough". Fair
> enough. But they are so irritating, they have made me confident I will
> never use Windows for anything production-related.
> 1. Watching a log file is not easy. No "tail". No command-line tools
> to look at text files, other than "TYPE". Want to see that log file?
> Open in Notepad. Oh, is your log file too big? Sorry, try a different
> GUI editor. Oh, does your log file have newlines instead of CRLF?
> Unreadable: must use WRITE.EXE or install another tool.

There are a lot of solutions for this:

1. My favorite - install cygwin
2. Eclipse has a plugin (since you use Eclipse)

The Eclipse Log Viewer is a non blocking IO stream reader that
can tail any number of files and eclipse consoles.
It allows to syntax color the log files with either a regular
expression or a word match.

3. Powershell command (have not tried this)

Get-Content -Path "C:\scripts\test.txt" -Wait

> 2. Running as a service is a headache. First, you need a wrapper
> program, but that wrapper program needs to fit into the Windows
> Service scheme. It's like systemd except without configuration files
> and instead you need configuration programs. This program can't return
> any useful status information (e.g. exit value) because anything other
> than 0 exit status means "error" and the service looks like it failed.
> Same is true with scheduled jobs, btw (and is worse, since
> scheduled-jobs really need to be able to return status information).
> If you want to use the command-line (let's just admit that Windows is
> completely unusable from the command-line), using "NET" to start/stop
> services is particularly difficult because the service name is always
> some 90-character string with spaces and special characters that need
> to be escaped. Using GUI tools gives you carpal tunnel syndrome with
> all the clicking required.

This is one of the many reasons why I don't run Tomcat as a service on
development machines.

1. "Install" Tomcat from a zip or tar.gz file
2. Configure IDE to start / stop / debug Tomcat
3. Profit (more or less)

> 3. There are a handful of programs all which launch Java in different
> ways. You need javaw.exe if you don't want to see a console window,
> java.exe will always show a console window. If you use javaw.exe,
> stdout/stderr is discarded.
> 4. File paths have unexpected quirks. This is not unique to Java and
> is getting much better where Java is concerned, since URL handlers are
> improving over time. Drive letters, UNC paths, network shares, etc.
> are all a headache to use because you have to know the incantation for
> each one to make it work. Sometimes you must map a network drive
> letter. Out of drive letters? Too bad. Sometimes \\server\share works.
> Maybe? Depends on the exact versions of everything involved.
> 5. Scripting is awful. I'm sure PowerShell makes it better. But there
> was solution to this invented in the 1970s that is very powerful. It's
> sad that it took Windows 25 years to get a decent shell/script
> framework. Have a look at catalina.bat versus if you want
> to get a sense of how awful scripting in Windows actually is.

Scripting is awful. Again, I install cygwin on all of my Windows machines.

OK - I'm avoiding installing cygwin on my Windows 10 laptop. We'll see
how much pain I can endure in my effort to learn PowerShell. It's the
same way I learned vi.

1. Install vi on my Windows machine (long time ago and far away)
2. Use nothing but vi (eschewing SPF editor / mainframe - long time ago)
3. Profit (or at least learnit)

>> My goal is to self-teach myself Java in JEE for Web development. I
>> am a long-time Mac fan, but on my mac I got stuck by a
>> configuration problem in JEE and got ZERO feedback on half a dozen
>> forums and mailing lists, including this one. In contrast, in this
>> windows question I got a lot of feedback very quickly.
> Well, welcome to the community. If you ever meet me in person, you'll
> see I'm not such a miserable bastard as this thread would indicate.
> -chris

My overall goal in all of this is to have a single way of doing things
regardless of platform (object oriented development environment design).
I figure that I have enough to learn without trying to remember which
platform I'm on, and why the platform is doing non-intuitive things
(ie., why the user is confused).

I use the same command line (bash), same GUI editor (jEdit), same IDE
(NetBeans mostly), same build tools (Maven, mostly), and install Tomcat
in the same general way.

I figure that gives me more brain cells to concentrate on problems that
need solving by not having to use brain cells on what are essentially
muscle memory tasks.

. . . just my two cents

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