Hi Christopher

  My directory structure is as follows:

  I make a call to my jsp via something to the effect:
  URL url = URL(....jsp);
  write the stream i receive to

   The servlet function from within which the above processing is done
should return a preview of the page to the user via
   return (new ActionForward(/customer/public/cutomer_id/index.html)); "I
am using struts by the way".
   the returned actionforward results in 404 error.

   The html is also available on the main site for searching, when i click
a link that results from the search I get the same 404 error.

   When i redeploy the app I can search and the 404 error doesn't happen
when I click a result link.

   It is as if tomcat catalogs all subfolders in your context path upon
deployment and doesn't bother actually checking the disk for files???

On 10/23/06, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> My app generates static html pages from jsp and writes the html files
> to a sub-dir of my context path

Ugh... you are using JSP as a content-generation system? Why!?

> however when I click on the link for the file, I get a 404 error.

Can you give us an example of what the URL of the link is? Or are you
just trying to have Tomcat serve a static HTML document that you had
previously created?

Where (specifically) are you storing these generated HTML documents?

> When I restart the application after adding the file, everthing works
> fine, but obviously I can't redepoly the app everytime a new html is
> added. I have verified that the links are correct, Any ideas?

Can anyone comment on Tomcat's caching of path lookups on the disk? That
would seem to be a tremendous waste of memory if Tomcat actually
remembered that a file didn't exist (not to mention a pain in the neck
if you wanted to add files on the fly like this guy). Can someone
confirm that Tomcat does nothing of the sort? That's the only reason I
could think of for why he can't access his files.



"talk trash and carry a small stick."

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