> From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: Multi processor issue
> "The Container Provider should ensure that the dispatch of the 
> request to a target servlet occurs in the same thread of the 
> same JVM as the original request."

I'm not sure the above is really pertinent to the issue, which I think
can be boiled down to this:

Should a RequestDispatcher object be treated as if it were in the scope
of a Request or instead in the scope of a Servlet?  The spec provides no
definitive statement that I can find, but there are a couple of hints
that a RequestDispatcher should be considered unique to each request.
In particular:

SRV.8.1.1 Query Strings in Request Dispatcher Paths:
"The ServletContext and ServletRequest methods that create
RequestDispatcher objects using path information allow the optional
attachment of query string information to the path."

"Parameters specified in the query string used to create the
RequestDispatcher take precedence over other parameters of the same name
passed to the included servlet. The parameters associated with a
RequestDispatcher are scoped to apply only for the duration of the
include or forward call."

SRV.8.4.1 Query String:
"The request dispatching mechanism is responsible for aggregating query
string parameters when forwarding or including requests."

SRV.15.2.8 ServletContext, getRequestDispatcher(String):
"The resource can be dynamic or static."

Based on the above, I think the app's reuse of RequestDispatcher objects
is indeed erroneous.

 - Chuck

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