On Sun, 2006-12-24 at 18:32 -0500, Martin Gainty wrote:
> William-
> Just went to gentoo site and cant read the type (without a magnifying
> glass)..apparently the font is cranked way down 

No control over that sorry. But any browser should have the ability to
increase font size. All that is dictated by, well I have no clue ;) I
just know we make does in guidexml format. It get's parsed into what you
see ;) So all the docs look the same and etc. Not sure off hand who I
would talk to about that. However should be a local font issue. Either
change your default fonts, increase their sizes, or just enlarge the
fonts/text when you are on the page via the browsers options. Should be
in a context menu or something.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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