First I'll suggest you backup your entire server, it is possible for
instance if your server is running Linux that the webapps folder only
contain the links to the actual webapp folders residing somewhere else on
the filesystem..So again BACKUP before doing anything. About a month ago
someone on this mailing list in your position deleted stuff on a server they
were managing, I have the feeling they don't have a job anymore.

On 1/3/07, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a website running with jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.  The server this
website resides on is going to have to be rebuilt so I am needing to
move everything off of it onto another server.  I know very little about
tomcat, ok, I really know nothing about tomcat.  This website was
created before I started managing this network so I was not involved in
its construction.  My question is this.  I believe that all of the
content for the webpage(s) reside in
/usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps.  If I copy everything from
/usr/local/src from the old server onto the new server will this capture
everything needed for the website?  Is there anything else I need to
know about or that needs moved in order for the website to be accessible
from the new server?

Any information would be appreciated.


"talk trash and carry a small stick."

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