On 1/3/07, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I believe that all of the
content for the webpage(s) reside in

Lots of good answers already, but here's some others:

First, use `ps -auxww | grep tomcat` to confirm the directory that
Tomcat is running from (referred to as $CATALINA_HOME). If that is
/usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/, OK, good so far. :-)

Next check $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml for any Host entries
with an "appBase" that points to a directory *outside* of /webapps;
you'll need to copy those directories, too.

There's probably a startup script, e.g. /etc/init.d/tomcat, that will
also provide some insight into Tomcat's running config, and you'll
want to copy that. (It'll tell you where Tomcat's JRE/JDK should be
found, as well.)

You may have iptables/ipchains entries that affect the ports and
addresses that Tomcat's using -- check those.

HTH, and good luck!
Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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