> The point is when I change localhost with a real ip 
> 62.56.xxx.xxx I cannot
> connect to the server, but the nice things is if in my 
> cellphone I enter
> the address http://62.56.xxx.xxx:8080 I got the tipical 
> welcome page of
> Tomcat. So is not the firewall is not the router.. I guess is 
> something
> that I have to set up, but trust me I don't know where...


- You have a NATted network
- From the machine hosting Tomcat, you can connect using localhost
- From the outside world, you can connect using the external IP address
- From inside the NAT, you cannot connect using the external IP address

Is that correct?

If so, this sounds like a common feature with cheap routers - they don't
all route requests for their external IP correctly from within the
NATted subnet.  My old router had this problem.  Buy a better router or
accept that you won't be able to test the application on the external IP
from inside :-).

If any of my assumptions are wrong, tell us - we're going to need more
information about your network to help debug this, I think.

                - Peter

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