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Matthew Kerle wrote:
> Most of the sysadmin's I've worked with really don't like the idea of
> having to rip open a war and update some weird config file just to do a
> deploy. the alternative is I know all the passwords and build a war for
> each target, which is a crap solution.

They're all crap solutions when nobody wants to do their job. Either the
deployment folks have to do some work (horrors!) or the developers have
to (oh, no!). The solution you're looking for is simply not recommended
by this crowd.

You CAN do this:

1. Set up a GlobalNamingResource and ResourceParams in your server.xml
2. Use a <ResourceLink> in your <Context> in your META-INF/context.xml


Another option is to have a context.xml file /outside/ of the WAR file.
This requires alternate configuration -- details can be found in the
archives for just about every week since the release of TC 5.5 ('cause
someone always asks before searching).

> We should just be able to configure a datasource for a particular
> context in the target instance, and then forever after all deployments
> are database transparent. Am i missing something?

The only thing you're missing is that this is no longer recommended
procedure, which is why everyone is telling you to do it differently.
Feel free to do it your own way, but don't complain when we tell you
it's not a recommended / supported configuration. Sure, Tomcat will do
it, but if you're having problems, your free tech-support provided by
this forum might just refuse to help.

> I can't understand why it would be better to target a war file for a
> database, than have the configuration live in the instance and the war
> file is database-agnostic. makes change migration a *lot* easier.

See the option above about using an outside-the-WAR file context.xml
configuration file.

- -chris

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