Travis Haagen wrote:

I've got IIS 6.0 linked with Tomcat 5.5.25 (with JDK 1.5.0_14-b03 and
AJP dll) via the ISAPI connector (JK 1.2.25) on Windows 2003 Server,
and during high traffic periods, the connection between IIS and
Tomcat is being severed. This has been occurring in the mid-afternoon
every day since this server went live and to get it running again,
I've had to restart Tomcat. The peak connections to IIS during one of
the days was just under 100, so this isn't really all that high of

The isapi_redirect.log isn't much help. It has only been logging
errors after the connection to Tomcat has been broken. Tomcat itself
hasn't logged anything of relevance and I don't actually think that
Tomcat is affected when the link is broken, but as I mentioned
earlier, I have to restart Tomcat to get it to reconnect with IIS.

Nevertheless at least i would be curious to know, what the exact contents of the isapi redirector log files are. We don't need all of it, but the first 100 lines or so could be interesting. What's you log level?

Have a look at the other thread running on this list the last few days ("ISAPI JK2 ran better than JK, how can that be?"). To get a slightly better idea what's happening when, you could also introduce a load balancer and a status worker.

Most likely it would help to take Java Thread Dumps and look inside the JVM, what your request threads are doing, when IIS gets stuck.



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