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Markus Reis wrote:
> I [set up a filter that emits stack traces] and finally found the
> problematic code (of course in the web application - in doGet/doPost
> of NewSessionServlet - and not in Tomcat/JBoss):
> [snip]
>    while (params.hasMoreElements()) {
>       String key = params.nextElement();
>       if (!request.getParameter(key).equals(ddto.get(key))) 
>          request.getSession().invalidate();
>       ddto.set(key, request.getParameter(key));
>    }
>    request.getSession().setAttribute(NEW_SESSION_LAST_DTO, ddto);
> [snip]
> This is complete non-sense of course.


> My only apology to you is that I have not written this code and that
> I did not know of it's existence :-). Still I'd like to say thank you for
> your great help and valuable comments.

No problem. Just make sure you remember how you tracked-down this
problem so you can add this technique to your mental toolbox.

> One last question: I'm not sure whether it is good to call
> session.invalidate() in a doPost/doGet method of a HttpServlet? Could
> this have negative/problematic side-effects or is this OK?

I'm not sure where else you would call session.invalidate(). Sure, you
could put it into a separate method, but your servlet pretty much always
has to have doPost or doGet called by the container. There's no reason
to fear invalidating a session.

- -chris

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