
> Now, I reboot my machine.  When the machine gets to the Window desktop a

"red X" dialog box displays stating " Acess is denied.  Unable to open the

server 'Tomcat6'". I am repeating the message here letter for letter exactly

as it is shown in the dialogue box that pops up.  So I click "OK"

Since you get a security dialog, my first guess is you are not logged on as
an administrator.
is this correct?
Also, is tomcat started? (check task manager and look in services.msc)
What are the (applicable) permissions on the directory tomcat is installed?

I have had this same behavior several times.

So not every time then?
All these times, was it on the same machine or different machines?

Hope this helps.


Serge Fonville

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Gary Marshall <gwj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All:
> I have a Vista machine stoked with maximum memory. The following has
> occurred each time I complete an install of Tomcat 6.0 followed by a reboot
> of my computer.
> I downloaded and successfully installed Tomcat6 setting the checkbox on the
> component page that generaates during install that sets Tomcat to start
> automatically with Windows . Each install resulted in a Tomcat icon placed
> in the system tray at the lower right in Windows, which allows me to stop
> and start Tomcat as needed.
> Now, I reboot my machine.  When the machine gets to the Window desktop a
> "red X" dialog box displays stating " Acess is denied.  Unable to open the
> server 'Tomcat6'". I am repeating the message here letter for letter
> exactly
> as it is shown in the dialogue box that pops up.  So I click "OK"
> Now at the Windows desktop, the Tomcat Monitor icon is not in the system
> tray.   In order to start Tomcat I have to click on Start -> All Progbrams
> -> Apache Tomcat 6.0 -> Tomcat Manager.  This brings up the logon dialog
> and
> then I am in the Tomcat manager panel.  However I cannot stop Tomcat since
> I
> cannot open the Monitor, since the icon that existed in the system tray
> after the install and before the reboot is not there anymore.
> I have had this same behavior several times.
> Can anybody tell me what I am missing? Do I need to set some property or
> setting someplace in order to get the Tomcat Monitor be on the system tray
> and available for my use at all times?
> Thanks to all for your assistance.
> gary

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