Richard Langly wrote:
Hey all,

I'm searching for a way to make a proxy server to:

    - receive a request from a web-browser.

    - allows me to grab the URL and build a web page.

    - then forward the request to the destination.

    - and then allows me to store and access the response when the
destination returns the page from this same proxy server.

If Tomcat would allow me to do this, can I get a short desc of what I need
to do?

I think I have seen this question before, maybe on another list (Apache httpd?). And you are probably not getting the answer you want, because the way you write the question above does not seem to make a lot of sense.

For example, these two lines appear to be contradictory :
>     - allows me to grab the URL and build a web page.
>     - then forward the request to the destination.
Because in the server who gets the request, you normally /either/ build a response html page and return it to the browser, /or/ you pass the request further to another server, but not both at the same time.

Can you try and rephrase your question in another way, or give an example of what you would really like to do ?

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